Page 44 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 44



         Don't Feed Wild Animals
         Positive Results through Public Education

         餵飼行為導致香港的野生猴子和野豬與人類之間                      In Hong Kong, feeding monkeys and wild pigs has led to persisting
         的衝突持續。為緩解這情況,保育基金及漁護署                      human-wildlife conflicts. To mitigate this problem, OPCFHK and
         自二零一八年起合作推行「停止餵飼野生動物計                      AFCD have been working together since 2018 on a public education
         劃」,教育公眾餵飼野生動物對生態及社會造成                      programme, Don't Feed Wild Animals, to promulgate the negative
         的負面影響,以及分享如何減少人類與野生動物                      ecological and societal consequences of this behaviour, as well as teach
                                                    preventive measures to minimise the nuisances caused by these animals.

         郊野公園公眾教育活動                                 Educating the Public at Country Parks
         此計劃其中一項工作,是在金山郊野公園及城門                      As part of the programme, OPCFHK operated educational booths at
         郊野公園設置教育攤位。保育基金員工及義工團                      Kam Shan Country Park and Shing Mun Country Park. At these booths,
         隊在場派發傳單及問卷,教導公眾遇見野生動物                      a joint team of enthusiastic volunteers and staff members handed out
         時的正確行為,公眾亦可以觀賞教育展板及參加                      leafl ets and questionnaires to enhance the public's understanding on the
         導賞團。除上述的郊野公園,保育基金更將教育                      proper ways to interact with wildlife. Visitors could also enjoy educational
         攤位伸展至其他受野生猴子及野豬滋擾的地點。                      interpretative panels and participate in guided tours. These booths
                                                    are now being extended to other locations where nuisances related to
                                                    monkeys and wild pigs have been reported.

           Public Participation

           60 education booths hosted

           7,380+ booth visitors
           7 guided tours conducted

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