Page 43 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 43

               Key Metrics for the 26th Ocean Park Conservation Day

               19,000+ visitors


            Six Endangered Species Were Showcased at the Applause Pavilion

            在二零二一年度保育日舉行期間,保育基金為配                       For 2021, OPCFHK transformed Ocean Park's Applause Pavilion into a
            合「珍惜自然寶藏 保護瀕危物種」的主題,特                       stunning Nature Discovery Centre under the event's theme, "Cherish the
            別將怡慶坊打造成「自然探知館」,展出鹿角珊                       Hidden Treasures". At this Centre, the public could view Hong Kong's
            瑚、眼斑水龜、馬蹄蟹、金裳鳳蝶、綠海龜及印                       largest and fi nest collection of skeletons and specimens from six locally
            度太平洋江豚等六種本地瀕危物種的資訊,包括                       endangered species – the Acropora coral, Beale's eyed turtle, Chinese
                                                        horseshoe crab, golden birdwing, green turtle and Indo-Pacific finless
            海豚骨及動物標本的展覽,成為全港最大型的同                       porpoise – while learning facts about each species and the challenges
            類活動。公眾不單可以透過展覽了解各物種及其                       they face. They could also take part in a variety of conservation-based
            面對的威脅,還可以參與不同的教育活動,如細                       activities, hear scientists sharing their research and projects, and even
            聽保育專家親自分享研究項目的成果,近距離觀                       see a live Beale's eyed turtle up close. In addition, educational game
            賞眼斑水龜的爬行姿態。此外,現場設有多個遊                       booths were arranged to highlight the importance of local conservation
            戲攤位,向公眾介紹本地保育工作的重要性。                        work.

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