Page 49 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 49

「快樂保 • 旅」計劃


            A Wonderful Journey Inside and Out
            Enlightening Students about Conservation

            二零二一年,海洋公園與保良局攜手推出全新「快                      In 2021, Ocean Park and Po Leung Kuk launched a new joint initiative
            樂保 • 旅」計劃,到訪院舍及安排表演等多項活                     called A Wonderful Journey Inside and Out. This initiative features
            動,內容涵蓋德育、保育及環保藝術創作等各方                       visits and performances at care centres, as well as moral education,
            面,藉此傳遞關愛與快樂訊息,同時鼓勵院友守                       conservation activities, eco-friendly art jamming and more, spreading
            護自然生態。為支持是項計劃,保育基金亦特別                       love, joy and the message of preserving nature. To support this initiative,
                                                        OPCFHK gave Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundation College students the
            向保良局羅氏基金中學提供科研體驗機會,讓學                       opportunity to assist with scientifi c research at the Hong Kong Marine
            生於香港海洋生物救援及教育中心內參與解剖及                       Life Stranding and Education Centre. Students assisted with necropsy
            數據蒐集工作,了解香港水域的鯨豚所面對的生                       and data collection to learn about the threats encountered by marine
            存威脅。此外,保育基金亦舉辦了一系列工作坊,                      mammals in Hong Kong. In addition, OPCFHK also hosted a series of
            加深學生對海洋保育和有關鯨豚擱淺調查的認識。                      workshops to give students further insights into marine conservation
                                                        and stranding investigations.



            OPCFHK's Volunteers

            Mobilising a Team of Devoted Conservationists

            多年以來全賴一眾義工的支持,保育基金的工作才                      OPCFHK's success would not be possible without the support of its
            得以順利開展。在二零二零至二零二一年度,保                       volunteers. In 2020/21, OPCFHK was grateful to receive enthusiastic
            育基金由衷感激香港警察學院、香港青年動力協                       and passionate assistance from members of the Police College,
            會及社會各界的熱心支持,無私奉獻寶貴時間與                       Hong Kong Youth Power Association and overall community. These
            才能,襄助平面設計及攝影等專業技術,令各項                       energised volunteers devoted their time and knowledge to supporting
                                                        OPCFHK's many public awareness campaigns, informing the public
            公眾教育工作能夠圓滿舉行。特別是在「海洋公                       about endangered wildlife, conservation, and sustainability while raising
            園保育日」及「生態保衛賽」等活動中,各義工                       morale and spreading positivity. They also provided critical support for
            的支持顯得尤其重要。全賴各位義工的竭誠貢獻,                      events such as Ocean Park Conservation Day and Run for Survival, and
            保育基金才能夠成功推廣保育瀕危物種與實踐可                       even used professional skills such as graphic design and photography
            持續發展的訊息,與公眾分享正能量。                           to make every conservation event a tremendous success.

               Join the Team

               Protecting Hong Kong's biodiversity and endangered species is a team
               effort. If you would like to volunteer your time or expertise to support
               OPCFHK's mission, please contact

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