Page 39 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 39

啟發中學生將 STEAM 元素融入馬蹄蟹飼養模式

            STEAM Elements Inspire Secondary School Students with Horseshoe Crab Rearing

            中學生透過「環保基金 – 明日之鱟保母育成計                      The programme organised tours for secondary school students to
            劃」的導賞團參觀海洋公園的馬蹄蟹飼養設施,                       visit Ocean Park's horseshoe crab rearing facility. These tours inspired
            從中學習將 STEAM(科學、科技、工程、藝術及                    students to attain all-round development by applying elements of STEAM
            數學)元素應用於馬蹄蟹保育活動中。學生還可                       (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) to the rearing
            透過導賞團獲得飼養馬蹄蟹的經驗,了解年幼馬                       programme, and provided them with first-hand learning experience in
                                                        rearing so they could understand the behaviour of juvenile horseshoe
            蹄蟹的行為習性,以便日後參與馬蹄蟹保育工作。                      crabs while carrying out horseshoe crab conservation. OPCFHK also
            保育基金亦為各學生提供一系列 STEAM 培訓,                    provided a series of STEAM trainings to students so that they can
            讓他們學以致用,各自設計出融合 STEAM 元素                    apply the knowledge they've gained and design their own projects that
            的專題研習。                                      integrate STEAM elements.
            展望二零二一至二零二二年度,保育基金計劃招                       The programme targets to recruit 20 secondary schools to participate in
            募二十間中學參與此融合 STEAM 元素的項目,                    STEAM-powered learning in 2021/22. Students in the programme will
            讓學生以 STEAM 模式設計各項公眾宣傳計劃,                    adopt a STEAM approach to design projects to raise public awareness
            呼籲社會關注馬蹄蟹及改善其棲息地,以及協助                       about horseshoe crabs, as well as directly improve their habitats and
            保護其種群。                                      help maintain their populations.

                                              2020/21 年度中學計劃關鍵數字一覽
                                              Key Metrics for the Secondary School Sector
                                              in 2020/21

                                              21 secondary schools participated
                                              19,300+ students engaged

                                              「馬蹄蟹校園保母計劃」自 2009 年開展以來的成果
                                              Achievements of the Juvenile Horseshoe Crab
                                              Rearing Programme since 2009

                                              289 secondary schools participated

                                              288,800+ people reached

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