Page 42 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 42



         The 26th Ocean Park Conservation Day
         Joining Hands with the Public and BOCHK to Conserve Six Endangered
         Local Species

         在二零二一年五月二十九至三十日,保育基金在中                       On 29 and 30 May 2021, OPCFHK held the 26th Ocean Park
         國銀行(香港)有限公司的贊助下舉行年度盛事「第                      Conservation Day with the kind sponsorship of the Bank of China
         廿六屆海洋公園保育日」。此活動旨在提高公眾對                       (Hong Kong) Limited. This signature annual educational event
         自然生態的關注,加深公眾對本地生物多樣性及保                       promotes humanity's connection to nature and enriches the public's
         育重要性的認識。本年度的活動包括有趣且富教育                       understanding of Hong Kong's rich biodiversity and the importance of
                                                      conservation. This fi nancial year, the event featured fun-yet-educational
         意義的遊戲、展覽、趣味資訊及標本展示,讓公眾                       games, exhibitions, fun facts and specimens on display to enhance
         更深入了解自己在香港生態系統的角色,以及自然                       visitors' understanding about their roles and threats in Hong Kong's
         生態所面對的威脅。在五月二十五日舉行的保育日                       ecosystem. On 25 May, OPCFHK and Ocean Park representatives
         啟動禮上,保育基金及海洋公園的代表聯同漁農自                       launched the event with a kick-off ceremony with Director of
         然護理署(漁護署)署長梁肇輝博士與藝人關心妍攜                      Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD), Dr. Leung
         手為活動揭幕。                                      Siu-fai, and celebrity Jade Kwan as the offi ciating guests.

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