Page 41 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 41



            University Student Sponsorship Programme in Wildlife Conservation
            Nam Long Shan Ecological Baseline Survey

            根據最新規劃的保育藍圖,毗鄰海洋公園的南朗                       Under the latest roadmap of conservation initiatives, Nam Long Shan,
            山獲評定為對社區具備潛在生態及教育價值,因                       a hill slope adjacent to the Ocean Park, offers potential ecological and
            此保育基金特別聯同曾參與「野外生態保育大學                       education value to the community. OPCFHK engaged alumni volunteers
            生贊助計劃」(USSP)的學生,在該區進行了                      from the University Student Sponsorship Programme in Wildlife
            三次日間及夜間考察。期間各 USSP 義工協助保                    Conservation (USSP) to help carry out day and night surveys during
                                                        three trips to Nam Long Shan, where they assisted the OPCFHK team,
            育基金隊員,當中包括生態學專家、保育基金社                       which consisted of an ecological expert and staff from the community
            區教育部及科研部職員,在南朗山展開生物多樣                       education and scientific divisions. The volunteers helped the team
            性基線調查,USSP 義工從中更獲得參與科研統                     conduct a baseline survey on the area's biodiversity, and gained hands-
            計、數據記錄、影像拍攝、環境視察及物種辨認                       on experience in conducting surveys, recording data, taking photo
            的珍貴經驗。此調查成功在南朗山記錄得二十種                       records, observing sites and identifying species. Altogether, the project
            動物及植物品種。                                    identifi ed 20 fl ora and fauna species in Nam Long Shan.

               甚麼是 USSP ?
               What Is the USSP?
               USSP 與本地大學合作,向大學生提供參與亞洲不同保育項目的前線工作機會,鼓勵他們投身保育及生態研究工作。每
               The USSP partners with local universities to give students frontline experience through different conservation projects in
               Asia and inspire them to pursue careers in conservation and ecological research. Each year, students in the programme
               are paired with research teams who guide them to assist in carrying out conservation projects and engage in running
               public awareness campaigns. They also get the chance to meet and talk to local and foreign conservationists, create
               infographics, and even participate in media interviews and documentaries.

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