Page 38 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 38

環保基金 – 明日之鱟保母育成計劃


         ECF STEAM Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme
         Inspiring New Generations of Conservationists

         保育基金於二零二零年獲環境及自然保育基金撥                      In 2020, OPCFHK reformed its ongoing horseshoe crab conservation
         款資助,與香港城市大學(城大)攜手,將常設                      programme, launching the newly revamped ECF STEAM Juvenile
         的馬蹄蟹保育項目重新設計為「環保基金 – 明日                    Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme in hands with the Environment and
         之鱟保母育成計劃」。是項計劃繼續讓中學生透                      Conservation Fund (ECF) and the City University of Hong Kong (CityU).
         過親身體驗,學習有關人工繁殖與飼養馬蹄蟹以                      This programme continues to engage secondary school students by
                                                    empowering them with knowledge and first-hand experience about
         及保育其自然棲息地的知識,同時廣泛推行社交                      breeding and rearing the species, as well as conserving its natural
         媒體活動及網上研討會,鼓勵學生分享保育資訊。                     habitat. Students are also encouraged to spread positive messages
         在二零二零至二零二一年度,「環保基金 – 明日                    about conservation and develop comprehensive social media campaigns
         之鱟保母育成計劃」更推展至小學,進一步向新                      and online seminars. In 2020/21, the programme was extended to
         生代宣揚保育意識。                                  primary schools to increase its outreach even further.

                                                         A Solid Foundation for Success

                                                         「環保基金 – 明日之鱟保母育成計劃」的前身為

                                                         The predecessor of the ECF STEAM Juvenile
                                                         Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme, called the
                                                         Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme,
                                                         was an initiative jointly launched by OPCFHK and
                                                         CityU in 2009 that targeted secondary school
                                                         students. Since then, more than 1,700 horseshoe
                                                         crabs have been released. Many student
                                                         participants later go on to graduate and work in
                                                         environmental fields, which help ensure that this
                                                         valuable work will continue.

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