Page 35 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 35

市場及公眾意識調查                                      The Market and Public Awareness Survey

            是項計劃在二零一九至二零二零年進行了市場及公眾                        The project involved conducting market and public awareness
            意識調查,以確認如何從教育著手推廣馬蹄蟹保育,                        surveys in 2019/20 to identify which educational perspectives
            以及了解需要加大力度的範疇。在二零二零至二零                         should be put in place and areas in which more effort should be
            二一年度,調查發現許多市民仍然不知道中國鱟正面                        made. In 2020/21, the survey found that many members of the
            臨滅絕威脅。雖然調查只發現有兩個街市售賣馬蹄蟹,                       public remained unaware that Chinese horseshoe crabs were facing
            以及只有百分之十三點五的受訪者表示曾經食用或買                        extinction. Although only two markets sold horseshoe crabs, and
            賣馬蹄蟹來放生,但污染及棲息地被發展均持續嚴重                        only 13.5% of respondents said they had consumed any or traded
            威脅牠們的生存。有見及此,研究團隊決定重點推行                        for mercy release, pollution and habitat exploitation continued to
            活動,進一步提高公眾意識。                                  pose major threats. This suggests an important direction for further
                                                           public awareness campaigns.

               2020/21 年度調查概要
               2020/21 Survey Summary

               1,000+ members of the public interviewed

                             受訪者不知道中國鱟屬瀕危 * 物種
               52.8% of respondents were unaware of Chinese horseshoe crabs' endangered* status

               13.5% had bought and consumed horseshoe crabs

               50+ wet market stalls investigated

               2 markets recorded as selling horseshoe crabs

             * 根據世界自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄
               According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

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