Page 34 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 34

本地保育工作                   Local Conservation Efforts

         Horseshoe Crab Population, Market and Public Awareness Survey:
         Understanding Hong Kong's Valuable and Vulnerable Neighbours

         活化石                                            The Living Fossil
         馬蹄蟹早在四億七千五百萬年前已存在,比恐龍還要                        Horseshoe crabs fi rst appeared on Earth about 475 million years ago
         早二億三千萬年在地球上出現,其形態一直以來沒有                        – about 230 million years before early dinosaurs – and their biology
         特別大的改變,對生物學家及保育專家而言均具有特                        remarkably have not changed significantly since then, making
         別的科研價值。然而,這種活化石目前正因為人為干                        them valuable sources of data for biologists and conservationists.
         擾、污染及棲息地受破壞而面臨滅絕的危機。現時,                        However, today these living fossils face the possibility of extinction
         中國鱟(Tachypleus tridentatus)在世界自然保護聯            due to human disturbances, pollution and habitat destruction.
         盟瀕危物種紅色名錄中被列為瀕危物種,而另一品種                        Currently, the Chinese horseshoe crab (Tachypleus tridentatus) is
         圓尾鱟(Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda)則在世界自         listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
         然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄中被列為「數據缺乏」,                       However, more research is needed to understand the status of the
         需要進行更多研究以深入了解其保育狀況。                            mangrove horseshoe crab (Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda), which
                                                        the IUCN currently lists as "data defi cient".

                                                        The Population Survey
                                                        In 2020/21, OPCFHK continued its Horseshoe Crab Population
                                                        Survey. This project has two purposes: to update the data on Hong
                                                        Kong's horseshoe crab population and distribution at important
                                                        nursing grounds, and to train the next generation of conservationists
                                                        on the scientific research about this fascinating species. The
                                                        research team conducted population surveys at Ha Pak Nai, Pak
                                                        Nai, Shui Hau, Tung Chung Bay and Sha Tau Kok in December
                                                        2020, March 2021 and June 2021. Encouragingly, horseshoe crabs
                                                        were recorded at all of the sites surveyed. Even more exciting, two
                                                        mating pairs of mangrove horseshoe crabs were discovered in Tung
                                                        Chung Bay.
                                                        OPCFHK reached out to tertiary institutions to recruit students
                                                        majoring in environmental sciences to become urban scientists
                                                        and take part in the project's newly developed training programme.
                                                        Students took part in inspecting and surveying horseshoe crab
                                                        sales in various markets and districts, and participated in population
                                                        surveys and seminars. After completing the programme, these
                                                        young scientists recorded and studied the effects of human activities
                                                        on horseshoe crab habitats and populations.

                                                          2020/21 年度計劃概要

         種群普查                                             2020/21 Project Summary
         蟹種群普查。此計劃有兩個目的:調查馬蹄蟹種群在                                 次種群普查
         重要育幼地點的數量及分布,以及培育出新一代的保                          15 population surveys completed
         於二零二零年十二月、二零二一年三月及六月,在下                               個調查地點
         白泥、白泥、水口、東涌灣及沙頭角進行調查,並在                          5 locations surveyed
         更振奮的是,團隊在東涌灣發現到兩對正在交配的圓                                 位大學生獲招募或接受培訓
         尾鱟。                                              38 tertiary students recruited/trained
         系的學生成為城市科學家,參與全新推出的培訓計劃。                                個小時培訓
         參與學生到訪各區街市視察及記錄馬蹄蟹售賣情況、                          40 hours of training offered

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