Page 33 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 33

同心合力扭轉種群下降趨勢                              Working Together to Reverse the Decline
            多年以來,保育基金一直支持不同研究項目,                      For years, OPCFHK has supported projects to study and protect Beale's
            採用不同方法保護眼斑水龜,當中包括遺傳分                      eyed turtles through various methods. These include genetic analysis,
            析、種群作圖、空間生態研究,以及積極監察                      population mapping, studying their spatial ecology and proactively
            非法誘捕及貿易活動。二零一九年,保育基金                      monitoring illegal trapping and trade activities. In 2019, OPCFHK supported
            資助嶺南大學的研究團隊,評估穩定同位素分                      a Lingnan University research team to evaluate stable isotope analysis
            析在幫助檢控非法龜類貿易的成效,並收集重                      efficacy in illegal turtle trade prosecutions, collect vital turtle habitat and
            要的環境和空間生態數據,以及透過資料調研,                     spatial ecology data, and investigate turtle seizure information through
            了解淡水龜充公的資訊,藉以更有效地保護香                      desktop research. The results from the project helped improve the
            港本土的淡水龜種群。保育基金並自二零一八                      protections on Hong Kong's local turtle populations. Since 2018, OPCFHK
            年起,與海洋公園及香港兩棲及爬行動物保育                      has been working with Ocean Park and the Hong Kong Society of
            基金合作,進行一項遷地保育計劃,利用人工                      Herpetology Foundation on an ex-situ conservation programme that would
            繁殖及放歸自然來協助恢復日益減少的野生種                      use captive breeding and reintroduction to help restore the diminishing
            群。二零二零年,透過各個團隊同心協力,已                      wild populations. In 2020, through the combined efforts of each team, the
            經成功令計劃中的眼斑水龜的數量增加。這些                      programme successfully increased its population under human care. The
            從早階段累積的數據及資料將用於完善計劃,                      data and knowledge from these early successes will be used to improve
            提高龜類繁殖、幼龜護理及未來將龜隻放歸自                      the programme's effectiveness in turtle breeding, juvenile care and future
            然的工作成效。                                   turtle reintroductions.

               Poaching and Habitat Loss
               Many wild turtle populations in China and Southeast Asia have
               vanished due to habitat loss and the illegal wildlife trade. The
               Beale's eyed turtle has gained a place in the pet trade, and its
               endangered status has driven up the price per turtle, leading
               many to be illegally caught in the wild to sell. Additionally,
               the loss of their pristine riverine habitat due to pollution,
               channelisation, development and human disturbances remains
               a threat to the species.                                                © Sung Yik Hei

              學名                Sacalia bealei

              Scienti c Name
              概要                ଻౴˥Ꮃ᙮׵࠰ಥʞ၇ࡡ͛૱˥ᎳٙՉʕʘɓdତπᅰඎʔε
              Overview          One of five species of freshwater turtles native to Hong Kong, only a few populations of Beale's eyed turtles remain
              保育狀況              ᖏΚ
              Conservation Status  Endangered*
              估計數量              ͊ঐᆽ֛d͍ܵᚃಯˇ
              Estimated Population  Unspecified, with a decreasing trend
              棲息地類型             ૱˥€ʫ௔˥ਹ
              Type of Habitat   Freshwater (inland waters)
              主要威脅              ಐࢹή஗ॎᕸʿϮݑdཀܓࣉᓳ˸͜Ъᖹҿאᕻي൯ር
              Major Threats     Habitat destruction, pollution and unsustainable exploitation for the traditional medicine and pet trades

             * 根據世界自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄
               According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

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