Page 30 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 30

本地保育工作                   Local Conservation Efforts

         Humphead Wrasse: Devising New Technology to Preserve an Endangered Population

                                                                                                 © Palau Steve Lindfield

         急需打擊非法貿易的工具                             Better Tools Are Needed to Discourage Illegal Trade
         蘇眉在香港屬受保護物種,食肆必須申領管                     The humphead wrasse is protected in Hong Kong – only licensed shops
         有許可證,才能在指定時段按限額管有及售                     are allowed to hold and sell a restricted number of wrasse at a given time.
         賣蘇眉。然而,每年市場錄得的蘇眉買賣記                     However, the number of humphead wrasse sold each year is more than
         錄,往往高於許可證指明的上限,足證非法                     the legal number, a strong indicator of illegal trade. Humphead wrasse is
         貿易問題存在。事實上,中菜一直視蘇眉為                     considered to be a delicacy and popular in Chinese cuisine. They are sold at
         珍饈,向來不乏饕客支持,在市場上有價有                     a high retail price, making illegal trade lucrative enough to be a threat to their
         市,豐厚利潤促成非法貿易,對本地及海外                     local and non-local populations. Unfortunately, the general public currently
                                                 has no reliable way to tell whether the fi sh they are consuming come from a
         種群帶來威脅,而且公眾目前並無可靠辦法                     legally licensed source.

            Why Is Humphead Wrasse Conservation Important?

            Humphead wrasse play an important role in coral reefs, which are home to many marine species. Without their presence,
            the crown-of-thorns starfi sh – their favourite meal – can grow out of control, leading to a disparity of coral growth and
            bioerosion that endangers the reef's structures.

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