Page 32 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 32

本地保育工作                   Local Conservation Efforts

         Beale's Eyed Turtle: Preserving Wild Populations Through In-situ and Ex-situ Efforts

                                                                         "Eye Spots"
                                                                         You can recognise a Beale's eyed turtle by
                                                                         its "eye spots" (ocelli) – yellow in juveniles
                                                                         and females, red in adult males – at the
                                                                         junction of its head and neck.

                                                             © Sung Yik Hei

         瀕危的香港原生龜隻品種                               Hong Kong's Imperilled Residents
         香港五種原生淡水龜目前均受到嚴重威脅,                       The Beale's eyed turtle is one of five freshwater turtle species that is
         眼斑水龜是其中之一。根據 Turtle Taxonomy              native to Hong Kong, all of which are currently facing signifi cant threats
         Working Group 的資料,截至二零一七年,超過              to their survival. According to the Turtle Taxonomy Working Group, the
         百分之八十的亞洲龜類物種已被列為易危等級。                     conservation status for more than 80% of Asia's turtle species has been
         在香港,由於棲息地受到破壞,加上非法寵物買                     listed as threatened as of 2017. Habitat loss and the illegal pet and
         賣及傳統藥材貿易等因素,令原生淡水龜的數量                     traditional medicine trades have caused the population and distribution of
         及分布大幅減少。根據一項最新研究指出,目前                     Hong Kong's native freshwater turtles to shrink dramatically over time. As
                                                   of the most recent survey, only a very few wild populations of Beale's eyed
                                                   turtles remain.

                                                                           © Sung Yik Hei

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