Page 29 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 29

本地保育工作                    Local Conservation Efforts

            Hong Kong Newt: Avoiding an Amphibian Pandemic

                                                                                                       © Hon Shing Fung

            Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal) 真  The Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal) fungal pathogen is one cause
            菌病原體是兩棲類壺菌感染症的源頭之一。這                     of Chytridiomycosis, a fungal disease that has driven a global decline in
            種由真菌引起的病症導致全球的兩棲類生物多                     amphibian diversity. It is especially deadly to many salamander populations.
            樣性下降,其中 Bsal 在多種蠑螈種群中均屬高                 As the only species of salamander found locally, the Hong Kong newt is
            度致命。香港瘰螈是香港唯一一種原生蠑螈,                     vulnerable to local population collapse and extinction from this pathogen.
                                                     Therefore, it is critical to proactively monitor the presence of Bsal in Hong
            這種病原體一旦入侵,很可能會造成種群劇降                     Kong to protect the newts and other species.
            甚至滅絕。因此有需要主動監測 Bsal 在香港的
            出現情況,以保護本地蠑螈及其他物種。                       OPCFHK funded a joint research team led by the University of Hong Kong
                                                     to assess the current presence of Bsal in the Hong Kong newt and 29 other
            保育基金向一支由香港大學帶領的聯合研究                      species of amphibians. The research team tested more than 440 skin swab
            團隊提供資助,評估 Bsal 在香港瘰螈及其他                  samples – 66.3% from local Hong Kong newts; 18.3% from 15 other native
            二十九種兩棲類身上出現的情況。研究團隊測                     amphibian species, and 15.4% from 16 species found in the pet market.
            結果發現,只有來自三個本地兩棲類物種的七                                                                       © Hon Shing Fung
            個樣本對 Bsal 呈陽性反應,表示這種病原體                  Only seven samples from three local amphibian species tested positive for
            的整體盛行率非常低,其他二十七種兩棲類的                     Bsal, indicating a very low overall prevalence. None of the samples from the
            樣本均未檢測出 Bsal。雖然目前本地兩棲類                   other 27 amphibian species tested positive. While it is good to learn that the
            種群並未受到進一步威脅,但仍然需要進行更                     amphibian population is currently not further at risk, more research and long-
            多研究及長期監測,來監控 Bsal 對香港瘰螈                  term monitoring are needed to monitor Bsal's impact on the Hong Kong
            種群的影響,以保護本地的生物多樣性。                       newt populations and protect the region's biodiversity.

              學名                Paramesotriton hongkongensis

              Scienti c Name
              概要                ࠰ಥਬɓɓ၇੭҈ٙՇಐᗳࡡ͛ي၇dಀ஗Ⴉމ᙮࠰ಥዹϞdШՉܝίᄿ؇޲͵೯ତՉᔳ༦
              Overview          Hong Kong's only native tailed amphibian was once believed to be one of the region's endemic species, but has since also
                                been found in Guangdong Province
              保育狀況              ڐΚ
              Conservation Status  Near Threatened*
              估計數量              ܵᚃಯˇ
              Estimated Population  Decreasing
              棲息地類型             ૱˥€ʫ௔
              Type of Habitat   Freshwater (inland)
              主要威脅              ಐࢹήఄ̰ʿաϮݑdᕻي൱׸d˸ʿॆഽषࡡ᜗ #TBM ٙ̈ତd࿁࠰ಥ⯜Ⱨ˸ЇΌଢՇಐᗳਗيٙ͛πѩ࿴ϓᆑί۾উ
              Major Threats     Habitat loss and pollution, the pet trade and an emerging fungal pathogen, Bsal, pose potential risks to the survival of not
                                only this species but also all global amphibians

             * 根據世界自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄
               According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

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