Page 27 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 27

亞洲區內保育工作                          Regional Conservation Efforts

            Anti-Poaching Projects: Protecting Endangered Species and Their Habitats in Malaysia and Nepal

            在馬來西亞及尼泊爾,生物多樣性的保育工作主要面臨                          The primary threats to biodiversity conservation in Malaysia
            偷獵及非法貿易這兩大威脅。在二零二零至二零二一年                          and Nepal are poaching and illegal trade. In 2020/21, OPCFHK
            度,保育基金資助了兩個團隊應對這些問題,保護當地                          funded two teams to protect the natural fauna and flora to
            的野生動植物。                                           combat these issues.

            馬來西亞婆羅洲沙巴的德拉馬科特森林保護區                              The Deramakot Forest Complex Project in Sabah,
            項目                                                Malaysian Borneo
            在馬來西亞婆羅洲的德拉馬科特                                                 In Malaysian Borneo, some of Sabah's best
            森林保護區內,存有沙巴部分保                                                 remaining dipterocarp forests can be found in
            留得最完整的龍腦香樹林,同時                                                 the Deramakot Forest Complex, supporting
            亦是多種哺乳類動物的家園,可                                                 a wide range of mammal species. However,
                                                                           poachers from both local communities and
            惜不少動物一直受到當地社區及                                                 neighbouring countries are threatening these
            鄰國的偷獵者威脅。為了解及                                                  habitats and their inhabitants. To understand
            制止偷獵活動,研究團隊一直                                                  and disrupt poaching operations, the project's
            與沙巴林業部專責反偷獵的部                             © Sabah Forestry Department/Leibniz-IZW  research team has been working closely with
            門 Protect 密切合作,透過支援                                            Protect, the specialised anti-poaching unit of
            實地巡邏和設置觀察站監控偷獵                                                 the Sabah Forestry Department, to support
            者的進入地點。這些巡邏及觀                                                  sites patrols and monitoring of poaching entry
            察工作利用空間監測和報告工具                                                 points via observation posts. These patrols
            (SMART) 作 為 輔 助。 目 前,                                          and observations efforts were assisted by the
                                                                           use of Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool
            該項目已開始建構一個偷獵者檔                                                 (SMART). The project has begun developing a
            案資料庫,與政府及其他非政府                                                 poacher profi le database that will enable them
            組織共享情報。研究團隊的目標                                                 to share their intelligence with the government
            是在二零二二年七月前,能夠偵                            © Sabah Forestry Department/Leibniz-IZW  and other non-governmental organisations.
            測到該地區至少百分之四十的活                                                 The team is targeting to detect at least 40% of
            躍入侵行為,而最終目標是在二零二四年七月前,能夠                          active incursions in the area by July 2022, with the ultimate goal
            將偵測率提高到百分之九十或以上。                                  of raising the rate to 90% or better by July 2024.

            尼泊爾卡他生態走廊項目                                       The Khata Biological Corridor Project in Nepal
            位於尼泊爾西南部的卡他生態走廊是老虎、犀牛、恆河鱷、                        This project in southwestern Nepal engages local youths to help
            海豚及許多珍貴物種的棲息地,但由於來自當地及周邊社                         conserve endangered wildlife species and their habitats, and to
            區的偷獵威脅,令這些物種的數                                                 minimise the threat of poaching in and around
            量減少。此項目鼓勵當地青年參                                                 the Khata biological corridor, which is home
            與保護瀕危物種及其棲息地的工                                                 to tigers, rhinoceroses, gharial crocodiles,
            作,竭力降低卡他生態走廊內及                                                 dolphins  and  other  valuable  species.  The
            周邊的偷獵威脅。研究團隊透過                                                 populations of these species are declining due
                                                                           to poaching by the surrounding communities.
            動員及培訓當地青年,協助巡邏                                                 The research team supported the local
            及提供常規的流動支援,包括乘                                                 community-based anti-poaching network
            坐單車進行巡邏等,以支援當地                                                 (CBAPU) by mobilising and training local youth
            社區的反偷獵網絡(CBAPU)工                                     © Rabin Kadariya  to help patrol and providing regular mobility
            作。此外,團隊還設置了攝影器                                                 support, including bicycle patrols. The team
            材,並利用全球定位系統、手機                                                 also set up a camera and used GPS, mobile
            及巡邏日誌來收集資料,記錄當                                                 phones and a patrolling logbook to gather
            地生態特徵、出現的物種及人類                                                 information and record habitat features, species
            活動,藉以建立資料庫協助執法。                                                encountered and anthropogenic activities, in
                                                                           order to help build a database to facilitate law
            在項目進行期間,團隊發現偷獵                                                 enforcement. During the project, the team
            問題極大可能會因居民有其他工                                                 identified a strong possibility that providing
            作機會而減少。展望未來,項目                                       © Rabin Kadariya  alternative income opportunities for locals
            團隊將進行一項先導活動,希望                                                 might help alleviate poaching. In the future, the
            找出偷獵以外的其他潛在工作機會,並提供支援,助青年                         project will identify and execute support for potential alternative
            維持生計。                                             livelihoods for youths as a pilot activity.

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