Page 25 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 25

亞洲區內保育工作                          Regional Conservation Efforts

            Snow Leopard: Identifying and Protecting Key Habitats in Mainland China

                                                       Mainland China is home to 60% of the world's snow leopard population.
                                                       Sanjiangyuan specifically, located high on the Tibetan Plateau with
                                                       abundant water resources, supports dense snow leopard populations
                                                       and a high-quality habitat. Connecting West Sichuan and East Tibet,
                                                       this area may be the world's largest snow leopard habitat and has
                                                       previously been identifi ed as an important landscape conservation unit.
                                                       The Sanjiangyuan population may even be the source population of
                                                       neighbouring subpopulations.
                                                       OPCFHK has sponsored a large-scale research study conducted by
                                                       Peking University and the Shan Shui Conservation Center that carried
              © Peking University Center for Nature and Society & Shan Shui Consevation Center
                                                       out comprehensive fi eld studies to provide a better understanding of the
            全球百分之六十的雪豹棲息於中國內地,主要分                      habitat and the threats faced by snow leopards in Sanjiangyuan. To date,
            布在三江源一帶。三江源位處青藏高原,擁有豐                      the research team has managed to collect an unprecedented 1,000 snow
            富的水資源,為雪豹提供理想環境,以培育密度                      leopard distribution data points from Sanjiangyuan, with data collection
                                                       still underway. Additionally, their research has identifi ed the species' core
            較高的種群。當地連接四川西部與西藏東部,可                      habitat, potential movement corridors and genetic relationship between
            能是世上最大的雪豹棲息地與周邊區域雪豹的重                      subpopulations. The team has also researched the effects of climate
            要種源地,一度被列為重點景觀保護單元。                        change on the area. Their results confirmed Sanjiangyuan as a crucial

            保育基金資助北京大學及山水自然保護中心推行                      zone for protection.
            大型研究,以實地考察的方式,深入調查雪豹於                      So far, the research team has published three papers and a monograph,
            三江源的棲息地與所面臨的威脅。目前資料收集                      and shared its recommendations with the local government. Because
            的工作在持續進行,不過研究團隊已空前成功地                      of the reserve's close
            收集到三江源區域內上千個雪豹分布點資訊。是                      proximity to human      守護生態平衡的捕獵者
                                                       development, successful
            次研究還能成功確定雪豹的核心棲息地和潛在走                      conservation efforts
            廊,以及亞種群之間的遺傳關係。團隊更調查了                      will rely heavily on the   Predators Preserve the Balance
            氣候變化對該區造成的影響,而各項調查結果都                      readiness of community   雪豹是高山地帶生態的頂級捕食者,
            印證了三江源是重要的保育區。                             support, education and   捕食獵物時有助控制獵物種群的數量,
                                                       engagement. Therefore,
            研究團隊至今已發表三篇論文和一本科普專著,                      an extensive public     維持該區生態平衡。
            並向地方政府提交建議,分享相關研究成果。由                      awareness campaign and   Snow leopards are the top predators
            於三江源鄰近人類發展區域,保育工作的成敗很                      community involvement   in the high mountains. By controlling
            大程度上取決於社會的支持、公眾教育與參與                       are also vital to put the   prey populations, they help maintain the
            度,因此研究團隊廣泛推行各種宣傳工作,並鼓                      recommendations of this   balance of the region's ecosystem.
            勵社區參與,務求令保育計劃得以順利推行。                       ongoing study in place.

               Local Community Engagement and Capacity Building Efforts

               5   間當地機構參與                50+       名居民受訓成為野生生態                   5   篇社交媒體帖文獲
                   local organisations
                   engaged                          community members                 social media posts
                                                    trained as wildlife monitors      published

              學名                Panthera uncia
              Scienti c Name

              概要                ௛োಐࢹ׵ʕԭ৷ʆή੭dᐑྤ਋Ⴣᎈࢡdᔳ༦ᗭ˸೯ତdШͦۃʊٝՉᅰඎ͍ίಯˇ
              Overview          Snow leopards are hard to observe in the wild, not only due to their elusiveness but also because they live in very tough
                                habitats within Central Asia's high mountain ranges. The species population is sadly in decline.
              保育狀況              ׸Κ
              Conservation Status  Vulnerable*
              估計數量              <8,000
              Estimated Population
              棲息地類型             ಌ؍eᙺᓉeণήʿʆͩਜ
              Type of Habitat   Forest, shrubland, grassland and rocky areas
              主要威脅              ɛᖕላ߉€ܼ̍ਊᓳeజూόᓳ૨eڢج൱׸eɛމΪ९ˏߧಐࢹήݴ̰ʿॎຟʷi˸ʿΪމंࡉᜊʷϾ˿Չᓳيಯˇ
              Major Threats     Human-wildlife conflict, including poaching, retaliatory killing, illegal trade, habitat loss and fragmentation, as well as prey
                                depletion due to climate change
             * 根據世界自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄
               According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
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