Page 26 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 26

亞洲區內保育工作                         Regional Conservation Efforts

         Indonesian Borneo Protection Project: Developing Local Community Nurseries to Restore Habitats

                                                                       The Disappearing Forest
                                                                       據估計,在 1973 年至 2015 年間,印尼婆羅
                                                                       洲合共有 144,000 平方公里的原始森林消失,
                                                                       Indonesia's rate of forest loss ranks among
                                                                       the highest in the world. Researchers
                                                                       estimate that between 1973 and 2015,
                                                                       Indonesian Borneo lost a total of 144,000 km 2
                                                                       of old-growth forest. Forest fires from peat
                                                                       drainage are one of the primary causes for
                                                                       this loss, along with plantation establishment
                                                                       and timber harvesting.
                                               © Markurius Sera/Borneo Nature Foundation

         Sebangau 國家公園佔地約五千七百平方公                Measuring about 5,700 km , Sebangau National Park contains one of the
         里,蘊藏世上其中一個最重要的泥炭沼澤                     world's most important peat-swamp forests and was designated as a
         森林,於二零零四年獲劃定為保護區。公                     protected area in 2004. Within this forest are the largest protected populations
         園同時是極度瀕危物種婆羅洲猩猩 (Pongo                 of critically endangered Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) and Bornean
         pygmaeus) 及婆羅洲白鬚長臂猿(Hylobates          white-bearded gibbons (Hylobates albibarbis). Since 2019, OPCFHK has
                                                supported the Borneo Nature Foundation (BNF) in their conservation efforts to
         albibarbis) 的家園,其中園內的婆羅洲猩              restore and protect the park.
         零一九年以來,保育基金一直支持 Borneo                 While priority should be given to conserving Sebangau National Park because
         Nature Foundation(BNF) 的 保 育 工 作,      it is a globally signifi cant carbon store and a source of biodiversity and natural
         以復修及保護公園生態環境。                          resources, the peat-swamp forest and its inhabitants face serious risks from
                                                fi re, illegal logging, peatland drainage and hunting. In 2020/21, BNF established
         Sebangau 國家公園是地球重要碳庫,擁有                community seedling nurseries to augment the habitat restoration efforts. These
         豐富的生物多樣性及自然資源,因此必須妥                    nurseries help local families learn about the importance of conserving their region's
         善保護。可是,這片泥炭沼澤森林及其物種                    natural resources, enhance their
         正面臨火災、非法伐木、泥炭地乾涸及非法                    connection to their environment,
                                                and offer opportunities to develop
         捕獵的嚴重威脅。在二零二零至二零二一年                    the skills and capacity they need
         度,BNF 建造了社區苗圃,以拓展修復棲                   to protect and restore this vital
         息地的工作。這些苗圃有助當地居民認識保                    part of their local ecosystem. They
         護天然資源的重要性,加強他們與家園環境                    also empower local communities
         的連繫,並讓他們學習到如何保護及復修當                    to develop underutilised land in
         地生態系統。此外,這計劃還幫助當地社區                    ways that promote biodiversity and
         以有助生物多樣性發展的方式,開發未充分                    create occupational opportunities
         利用的土地,提供就業機會給居民。                       for locals.                               © Rory Moon/Borneo Nature Foundation

            Encouraging Results

            • 42 個家庭營運 6 個社區苗圃            • 於 2020 年 6 月至 10 月期間,         • 產生了 45,000+ 美元的環保經濟收益
              6 community nurseries         打理苗圃的家庭全年收入增加                   US$ 45,000+ total green economy
              operated by 42 familiess      了33% – 35%(71至75美元)             value generated
                                            33% – 35% (US$71 – US$75)
            • 50 公頃的土地復修成森林,                annual income increase for    • 建造了 1 個魚塘,以進行水產養殖試
              種植了 48,902 株樹苗                nursery families between June   驗計劃

              50 ha area reforested with    and October 2020                1  shpond created for an aquaculture
              48,902 seedlings                                              trial programme

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