Page 24 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 24

亞洲區內保育工作                         Regional Conservation Efforts

         Swinhoe's Softshell Turtle: Preserving the Rarest Turtle in the World

                                                                                                  © Nguyen Tai Thang

         斑鱉現被視為全球最稀有的龜類,多年來                    Conservationists have striven to protect the Swinhoe's softshell turtle, believed
         一直是保育界重點守護的物種。在上世紀                    to be the world's rarest, after its population fell to a dangerously critical number
         七十至九十年代,斑鱉遭到人類大規模獵                    due to large-scale human predation for food from the 1970s to 1990s. The
         殺捕食,導致數量驟跌至極度瀕危水平,                    turtle species was believed to be almost extinct in the wild until 2007, when
         更一度被認為已幾近在野外滅絕。直至二                    one turtle was identifi ed in Dong Mo Lake near Hanoi, Vietnam. Ten years later,
                                               a second turtle was confi rmed in Xuan Khanh Lake.
         發現一隻斑鱉,另一隻則再相隔十年後,                    A team from Indo-Myanmar Conservation's Asian Turtle Program (ATP/IMC)
         才在宣漢湖被發現。                             has surveyed 21 provinces in northern Vietnam since 2003. In 2018, OPCFHK
                                               began to provide funding to ATP/IMC to support conservation efforts for the
         保育基金由二零一八起開始資助 Indo-                  turtle species. In exciting news, on 20 August 2020, one of their researchers
         Myanmar Conservation(IMC) 的 Asian     photographed two enormous softshell turtles simultaneously emerging in Dong
         Turtle Program(ATP),推行斑鱉保育,           Mo Lake. This was the first evidence of a possible third Swinhoe's softshell
         該計劃自二零零三年起一直在越南北部                     turtle in Vietnam, potentially raising the species' population to four, including
         二十一個省府進行普查。二零二零年八月                    the one in Mainland China. In addition to seeking species confi rmation of this
         二十日,ATP 的研究員成功拍下令人振奮                  fourth individual, the research team has been working to identify the sex of
                                               the turtles based on DNA using
         的一幕,顯示兩隻巨型鱉類同時自東莫湖                    electrophoresis analysis. So
         冒出水面,成為越南可能存在第三隻斑鱉                    far, the preliminary results have
         的首項實質證據。連同中國內地的一隻計                    indicated that the known Dong
         算在內,有關發現將令斑鱉的整體數量上                    Mo turtle is male. The team is
         升至四隻。目前研究團隊正致力確認新發現                   seeking further corroboration
         的鱉類是否斑鱉,以及透過電泳分析基因                    with other tests. Hopefully, as
         以判別其性別。暫時顯示新發現的鱉類屬雄                   time goes on, conservationists
         性,但有關結果還須通過其他測試反覆查                    will learn more about these
         證。隨著研究推展,保育界希望可以更了解                   endangered animals and find a                      © Nguyen Tai Thang
                                               way to restore their population.

           學名               Rafetus swinhoei

           Scienti c Name
           概要               ޴ڦ݊Όଢ௰ޜ೽ٙɽۨᎳ᛬d᜗̙ࠠ༺     ʮ˘א˸ɪdͦۃʊٝݺ᜗සϞ   ৳d֠Ϟ   ৳ϞܙϽᗇ
           Overview         Reaching up to 150kg or more in size, this enormous turtle is believed to be the world's rarest, with only 3 confirmed living
                            individuals and 1 undergoing verification
           保育狀況             ฽ܓᖏΚ
           Conservation Status  Critically Endangered*
           估計數量               ৳€  ৳ί൳یd  ৳ίʕ਷ʫށ
           Estimated Population  3 (2 in Vietnam and 1 in Mainland China)
           棲息地類型            ʫ௔᐀ή
           Type of Habitat  Wetlands (inland)
           主要威脅             ɛᗳᏺࣉϓϋ౴᛬ʿમණ౴᛬ٙஐ࠮͜i˸ʿಐࢹήݴ̰ഃਪᕚ
           Major Threats    Exploitation of adults and eggs for consumption as well as habitat loss
          * 根據世界自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄
            According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

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