Page 23 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 23

亞洲區內保育工作                          Regional Conservation Efforts

            Freshwater Crabs: Documenting Populations for Conservation

            干擾。                                                                                            © 孫紅英

                                                          Mainland China is home to more species of freshwater crabs than any
                                                          other country in the world, but scientists still have much to learn about
                                                          them. In Yunnan, researchers have identified more than 60 species
                                                          across 17 genera so far, yet much about their ecology and distribution
                                                          remain unknown, especially in remote areas. In addition to serving as
                                                          indicators of their ecosystem's pristineness and health, these crabs
                                                          are an important part of the food web. Currently, the top three threats
                                                          they face are human disturbances, pollution, and habitat degradation
                                                          and loss, with human disturbances representing an overwhelming
                                                © 孫紅英     70% of the threats.
            保育基金資助南京師範大學研究團隊展開調查,了                        OPCFHK funded a research project conducted by researchers
            解雲南淡水蟹的生物多樣性與棲息地,以蒐集最新                        from Nanjing Normal University to survey Yunnan's freshwater crab
            資料,助世界自然保護聯盟在瀕危物種紅色名錄中                        biodiversity and habitats. The survey results will provide updated
            更新相關淡水蟹種群的保育狀況。研究團隊透過                         information for each species for IUCN Red List classification. The
            徒手採樣、抄網或地籠法,在三十二個地區採集得                        research team sampled crabs through physical searches, netting and
                                                          trapping at 32 locations and identifi ed 30 species, including two newly
            三十個淡水蟹樣本,包括兩個新發現品種,並將有                        discovered species. Detailed descriptions of the new species were
            關發現編撰成論文,於二零二零年十月在同行評議                        published as a paper in a peer-reviewed journal in October 2020. The
            的期刊上發表。此外,研究團隊還在雲南西部錄得                        team also found a crab species in West Yunnan that was confi rmed as
            一個首次在中國發現的淡水蟹品種,再將之連同各                        a fi rst record for China. After the fi ndings were compiled, the research
            項發現,一併提交予世界自然保護聯盟。                            team presented their evidence to the IUCN.

               Latest Conservation Status of Freshwater Crabs in Yunnan

                   個品種 - 瀕危 *                                    個品種 - 易危 *
               2 species – Endangered*                       4 species – Vulnerable*

               (* 根據世界自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄準則進行的初步評估。               (*Preliminary assessment based on IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
               目前大部分淡水蟹僅獲標註為數據缺乏,或未被列入世界自然保護聯                criteria. Currently most of these crab species are either classified as Data
               盟瀕危物種紅色名錄)                                    Defi cient or have no IUCN classifi cation.)
               目前 133 個雲南省自然保護區中,僅 1 個將                      Only 1 out of 133 Nature Reserves in Yunnan
               無脊椎動物列為受保護對象                                  currently safeguards invertebrates
               在 30 個淡水蟹棲息地中,14 個未被列入保                       Habitats of 14 out of 30 crab species identifi ed as
               護區                                            unprotected

            調查發現雲南目前僅有一個保護區保育無脊椎動物,                       The survey found that Yunnan's protection for freshwater crabs
            而且並非針對淡水蟹,可見當地淡水蟹保育工作大                        had much room for improvement. Currently, only one protected
            有改善空間。幸而由於中國內地政府推出易地搬遷                        area safeguards invertebrates, but not specifically freshwater crabs.
            措施,助居民由山區遷往城鎮,減少了當地人與淡                        Fortuitously, due to the implementation of village-to-city translocation
            水蟹之間爭取水資源的衝突。與此同時,研究團隊                        policies, the Mainland government has helped reduce conflicts over
                                                          water resources between humans and crabs. During the project period,
            特別製作了不同的科普教材和影片,分發予自然保                        the research team also compiled various educational documents and
            護區職員和鄰近社區,助當地居民了解淡水蟹的特                        videos on the importance and identification of freshwater crabs for
            徵和重要的生態角色。                                    Nature Reserve staff and the surrounding communities.

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