Page 21 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 21

亞洲區內保育工作                          Regional Conservation Efforts

            Horseshoe Crab: Understanding Threats to This Living Fossil in Taiwan

            保育基金十多年來一直積極參與馬蹄蟹的保育工                       OPCFHK has actively participated in horseshoe crab conservation for
            作,從香港開始,其後伸延至中國內地,現在更                       over ten years, fi rst in Hong Kong, then in Mainland China and now in
            到達台灣。過往中國鱟廣泛分布                                             Taiwan. Historically, Chinese horseshoe crabs have
            於台灣不同的沿海地區,然而,                                             been widely distributed throughout Taiwan's different
            最近的研究發現牠們在香山濕地、                                            coastal areas. However, recent studies found that
                                                                       their populations had plummeted in the Xiangshan
            布袋和西海岸的數量急劇下降,                                             Wetlands, Budai and the West Coast. Even the
            就連位於金門的龐大種群數量也                                             large population in Kinmen is declining. It's clear that
            在減少,可見保育已經刻不容緩。                                            immediate action is needed.

            在保育基金資助下,台灣湛藍海洋                                            Under OPCFHK's funding, Taiwan's Azure Alliance
            聯盟調查了台灣布袋、澎湖和香                                     © Jay Yang  surveyed the Chinese horseshoe crab populations
            山的中國鱟種群及其微生境。是                                             and their microhabitats in Budai, Penghu and
            次調查亦根據以往的刺網調查數                                             Xiangshan, Taiwan. The team also analysed the
            據,分析了這些地區的成年馬蹄蟹                                            populations of adult horseshoe crabs in these
            數量。研究團隊發現澎湖的年幼                                             regions, taken from past gill net surveys. In Penghu,
                                                                       there was a noticeable lack of horseshoe crab
            馬蹄蟹稀少,當中原因可能包括:                                            larvae. This could be due to declining numbers of
            成年馬蹄蟹數量減少或產卵地環                                             adult horseshoe crabs or deterioration of spawning
            境惡化令年幼馬蹄蟹數目減少;澎                                            grounds leading to less recruitment of horseshoe
            湖不適合作為產卵地或年幼馬蹄                                     © Jay Yang  crab larvae. It could also indicate that Penghu is
            蟹育地;澎湖與其他產卵地之間                                             unsuitable as a spawning or nursery ground, or that
            的距離太遠,令年幼馬蹄蟹難以往來。而在布袋,                      the distance between Penghu and other spawning grounds is too far for
            不同採樣地點的年幼馬蹄蟹空間密度變化不一,                       the larvae to travel. In Budai, the spatial variation of juvenile horseshoe
            則與有機物質的分布有關。                                crab density along the sampling sites was related to the distribution of
                                                        organic matter.

               Adult Horseshoe Crab Records

               • 7 年內,從金門的漁民或居民購買了 1,319 隻馬蹄蟹,以進行繁殖或標識追蹤
                  1,319 purchased from fi shermen or the public for breeding or tagging in Kinmen within 7 years
               • 2 年內,於澎湖進行的刺網調查共捕捉了 35 隻馬蹄蟹,其中 24 隻在理想的海洋動物棲息地內港被捕獲
                  35 captured in gill net surveys in Penghu in 2 years, 24 of which were found in the inner harbour, an excellent habitat
                  for marine life

            此外,調查還證實人類捕獵仍然是一個嚴重威脅。                      The surveys also confi rmed that human exploitation remains a serious
            團隊調查了金門漁民捕獲和出售成年馬蹄蟹的趨                       threat. The team investigated the trend of adult horseshoe crabs
            勢。其後,當地政府決定購買這些被捕獲的成年                       captured and sold by fi shermen in Kinmen. These captured adults were
            馬蹄蟹,以用於進行繁殖或標識追蹤。在調查進                       later purchased by the local government for breeding or tagging. During
            行期間,團隊向熟悉潮間帶的當地居民提供了培                       the project period, the team provided training to locals who had a good
                                                        knowledge of intertidal zones. The locals subsequently became strong
            訓,支援調查附近地區的年幼馬蹄蟹的情況,以                       support for investigating juvenile horseshoe crabs in nearby areas for the
            保護這瀕危物種。                                    conservation of this endangered species.

              學名                Tachypleus tridentatus
              Scienti c Name

              概要                Ϟ˜ݺʷͩ™ʘ၈ٙ̚ϼऎݱي၇d̈ତ׵̬ᄂϋۃ
              Overview          Considered as a living fossil, this ancient marine species came into existence for more than 400 million years
              保育狀況              ᖏΚ
              Conservation Status  Endangered*
              估計數量              ܵᚃಯˇ
              Estimated Population  Decreasing
              棲息地類型             ૵ऎਜdऎݱᆓග੭
              Type of Habitat   Marine neritic, marine intertidal
              主要威脅              ɛᗳࣉᓳeఄ̰ቇΥପфʿԃ̼ٙऎᛉd˸ʿ஗૝ໄဝၣאဝՈႬᚂ
              Major Threats     Human exploitation, loss of spawning and nursery beaches, and threats of entanglement by ghost nets or gears
             * 根據世界自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄
               According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

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