Page 19 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 19
帶領研究向前的初步成果 Preliminary Results Indicate Areas for Further Study
研究團隊在圖古爾灣的 Ongachan 海灣利用不同 The research team conducted tagging activities at Ongachan Cove
方法在弓頭鯨身上安裝標記,例如利用動力傘及 on the Tugursky peninsula by using various tagging methods, such
小船,最後成功透過衛星追蹤一頭弓頭鯨一個多 as paramotor tagging and tagging from the boat. One successful tag
月。此外,團隊亦多次操作無人機收集數據,共 gathered over one month of satellite data. The team supplemented the
識別出超過五十頭弓頭鯨,並記錄得其在海灣中 data with multiple drone fl ights, identifi ed more than 50 bowhead whales
的分布情況。值得注意的是,所有已識別的弓頭 and fi lmed their distribution in the cove. Notably, all identifi ed individuals
鯨都帶有被殺人鯨攻擊的痕跡。另一方面,團隊 showed rake marks from killer whales. The team also assessed the
impact of tourist activity on bowhead whales in Wrangel Cove via
還在弗蘭格爾灣進行觀察,評估旅遊活動對弓頭 observation. Samples were collected from live and dead bowhead
鯨的影響,同時採集活體及屍體弓頭鯨的樣本, whales in Wrangel Cove for genetic analysis, which can provide
進行遺傳學分析,了解海灣的種群趨勢。是次研 information on population trends. Surprisingly, the team found that the
究還有其他意外發現,包括弓頭鯨的皮屑很可能 skin shedding of bowhead whales was likely a nutritious food for local
是當地魚類和無脊椎動物群體的重要食物,以及 fi sh and invertebrate communities. The team also discovered a new 'tail-
記錄到新的弓頭鯨休息姿勢──尾巴向上。 up' rest posture in bowhead whales from their hours of observation.
Quantitative Achievements
頭弓頭鯨成功被安裝標記,收集到 45 日的數據 個活體樣本被採集
1 successful tag, 45 days of data 40 biopsy samples collected
次無人機任務,收集到超過 50 小時的數據 個皮膚樣本從水中或海灘上獲得
201 drone flights, over 50 hours of mission data 33 skin samples collected from
either the water or the beach
50+ bowhead whales identified 個弓頭鯨屍體樣本被收集
3 carcasses' tissues collected
展望未來 Looking Ahead
研究團隊正在編寫總結報告,將向不同持分者陳 A final report with findings and recommendations to different
述是次研究結果及建議,並會詳細分析鄂霍次克 stakeholders is under progress and will include a complete analysis of
海弓頭鯨的行為習性與其所面臨的人為威脅。團 the Okhotsk bowhead whales' behaviours and anthropogenic threats.
隊亦會在同行評議的期刊中發表兩份學術文章, The team will also publish two papers in peer-reviewed journals to
進一步分享有關保護此物種的見解。目前,團隊 further share their insights on how to protect this species. Currently, the
正參與制定鄂霍次克海弓頭鯨的國家保育政策。 team is preparing a national strategy for the conservation of the Okhotsk
bowhead whale population.
學名 Balaena mysticetus
Scienti c Name
概要 வ၇ᗼᗳίГ̏ਜٙᅰඎʊɽషΫూdШίਓήਜٙ၇໊Ա್ᖏΚ
Overview While this whale's Western Arctic population has recovered considerably, its subarctic population remains at critical levels
保育狀況 ೌΚ
Conservation Status Least Concern*
估計數量 ΌଢϞ ᎘ϓϋʐ᎘ᗼ
Estimated Population Шඈᎍϣдऎٙ၇໊ᅰඎˇdஈΚᎈ˥̻
10,000 mature individuals globally
But the Okhotsk Sea population is dangerously low
棲息地類型 ऎਜdऎݱଉऎਜ
Type of Habitat Marine neritic, marine oceanic
主要威脅 يԸ๕ಯˇe˂ᅮࣉe୵৳ᅜᏘeဝՈႬᚂeऎݱኛࠪe˥ሯϮݑʿंࡉᜊʷ
Major Threats Declining prey sources, natural predation, boat strikes, entanglement from fishing equipment, marine noise and water
pollution and climate change
* 根據世界自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄
According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species