Page 55 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
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            Special Thanks to our Valued Supporters

            保育基金於二零一九年五月二十七日假政務司司長                         The OPCFHK Annual Donor Reception was successfully held on
            官邸舉行善長酬謝聚會,邀請了八十位熱心支持保育                        27 May 2019 at the Chief Secretary for Administration’s residence
            工作的嘉賓,包括贊助機構、商界夥伴、保育基金                         with generous support from some 80 guests including sponsors,
            受託委員會成員及香港海洋公園董事局成員出席,                         corporate partners, OPCFHK trustees and board members of Ocean
            藉此感謝他們對亞洲野生生態保育的長期支持。                          Park Corporation.
                                                           We expressed our heartfelt gratitude to the participants for their
            保育基金在會上分享過去一年的保育工作和公眾                          ongoing support on OPCFHK’s work for wildlife in Hong Kong and
            參與項目,並介紹未來的發展方向,讓各界善長                          other places in Asia. The event also provided an opportunity for us
            了解他們的捐助是推動保育工作其中的關鍵。                           to recap the Foundation’s conservation projects and engagement
            聚會由政務司司長張建宗致歡迎辭揭幕;保育基金                         programmes, as well as introduce areas of future development where
                                                           support from donors is essential.
            工作的三大方向,包括撥款資助科學研究、處理和                         The night opened with a welcome speech by Matthew CHEUNG Kin-
            調查鯨豚擱淺個案,以及成立香港海洋生物救護及                         chung, the Chief Secretary for Administration of HKSAR. Judy CHEN,
            教育中心。                                          OPCFHK Chair and Michael BOOS, OPCFHK Director presented the
                                                           Foundation's three main directions on cetacean conservation, which
            活動同時邀請香港大學名譽副教授及鯨豚生態研究所                        include funding scientific research, supporting cetacean stranding
            總監賈力誠博士(Leszek Karczmarski)擔任講者,               response and investigation, and establishing the Hong Kong Marine
            闡釋為何棲息於香港及珠江河口一帶的中華白海豚                         Life and Stranding Education Centre.
            和江豚是海洋生態健康的指標,及保育這兩種鯨豚                         We also invited Dr Leszek KARCZMASKI, Honorary Associate
            物種的重要性。本地非洲鼓音樂團體的表現亦令                          Professor at The University of Hong Kong and Director of Cetacea
            現場氣氛生色不少。                                      Research Institute to share with the audience the importance of
                                                           Chinese white dolphin and finless porpoise conservation to the
                                                           marine ecosystem of Hong Kong and the Pearl River Estuary, as they
                                                           are the flagship and indicator cetacean species of the region. Last
                                                           but not least, the event was adorned by the incredible performance
                                                           of a local African drum music group.

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