Page 53 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 53


            Support from the Society

            1,700      +   家餐廳食肆、教育機構、企業及政府部門參與
                           restaurants, educational institutions, corporations
                           and government departments participated
            27    school talks for 8,976   名學生參與

            Hong Kong’s annual plastic straw consumption
            2017       17 億支             36.5%
                       1.70 billion
            2019       10.8 億支
                       1.08 billion

            保護海洋 免受塑膠侵害                                    Protecting our Oceans from Plastic
            「無飲管運動」的另一項重點活動是於二零一九年                         Another highlight of the campaign was the No Straw Day staged on
            六月八日「世界海洋日」舉行的「無飲管日」。除了                        World Oceans Day on 8 June 2019. Other than calling for the public
            呼籲公眾避免使用即棄塑膠飲管,更進一步啟發                          to refrain from using plastic straws, we went one step further and
            大眾由源頭減廢做起,並積極參與海岸清潔活動,                         invited everyone to help clean up the ocean by reducing waste at
            身體力行保持海洋清潔。                                    source and joining coastal clean-ups.
                                                           Elsewhere, OPCFHK collaborated with the Ocean Park Food and
            保育基金更與海洋公園的餐飲部及零售營運部                           Beverage Department and Retail Operation Department to offer
            合作,在園內餐廳和店舖售賣的環保產品提供折扣                         discounts on green products and set up promotional booths at
            優惠,並設立推廣「減塑」生活的攤位,鼓勵大眾                         restaurants and shops in the Park to spread the messages of plastic-
            改變生活習慣,向塑膠飲管說「不」,放棄使用                          free living. By getting people to say no to plastic straws, OPCFHK
            即棄塑膠產品。逾五百名遊人在「無飲管日」承諾                         hopes to inspire the public to eventually forgo single-use plastic
            支持減少使用塑膠飲管,同時在社交媒體上分享                          products. Over 500 people pledged their support and affirmed their
            他們的承諾。                                         no straw commitment on social media.

            辦的「世界環境日 x 世界海洋日 2019 —
            走塑 FUN 墟」,向逾六千三百名參加者宣
            OPCFHK joined the World Environment Day
            x World Oceans Day Green Fair organised
            by the Environment Protection Department
            on 9 June 2019 to advocate no straw
            living, reaching over 6,300 people.

            連繫社區 邁向「走飲管」生活                                 Embracing No-straw Living in the Community

            為鼓勵大眾將「走飲管」融入日常生活,「無飲管                         The No Straw Campaign further engaged members of the public
            運動」特別推出一套 WhatsApp 創意貼圖包。而在                    in 2019 with a creative set of WhatsApp stickers.  A stakeholder
            二零一九年一月舉辦的研討工作坊則讓不同商界                          engagement workshop was also held in January 2019 for corporate
            夥伴分享推行「走飲管」措施所遇到的挑戰和解決                         partners to share their challenges and experiences in launching
                                                           no straw initiatives, while promoting joint collaboration and cross-
                                                           industry efforts.
            「無飲管運動」同時在本地學校舉辦的一系列                           The campaign also brought a series of talks to local schools, where
            講座,向學生簡介海洋污染的源頭和影響,帶                           students got to know more about the source and impact of marine
            出海洋生態保育和於日常生活實行「4R」環                           pollution, and what they could do in daily life to make a difference,
            保 原 則  —  減 少 使 用(Reduce)、 廢 物 重 用             such as Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Replace.
            (Reuse)、 循 環 再 造(Recycle) 及 替 代 使 用

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