Page 54 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 54


         Friends of the Foundation

         「基金之友」旨在凝聚一眾愛護自然生態人士,並                        Created to bring together lovers of nature and wildlife, Friends of
         於本年度加強在籌款和社區參與的工作,讓會員                         the Foundation (FOF) stepped up its fundraising and engagement
         進一步接觸大自然和了解香港的生態環境。保育基                        efforts this year. Thanks to the generous support of our donors, we
         金衷心感謝會員的熱心支持,並積極參與我們舉辦                        organised an interesting array of activities, workshops and seminars
         的各項保育活動、工作坊及講座,包括於海洋公園                        for FOF members to get closer to nature and better understand Hong
                                                       Kong’s ecology. For example, an exclusive ecotour was hosted on
         保育日參加會員專屬的尋「寶」之旅導賞團,運用                        Ocean Park Conservation Day at the Park where participants could
         流動應用程式認識和記錄海洋公園內的雀鳥和其他                        identify and record bird and various species using a special mobile
         動植物品種。                                        app.
         「基金之友」在二零一八年九月二十三日和十月                         On 23 September and 13 October 2018, FOF took members on
         十三日舉辦中華白海豚考察之旅,讓參與會員學習                        Chinese white dolphin ecotours, where they learnt about the species’
         中華白海豚面對的種種威脅,並了解如何在日常                         threats to survival and what could be done to help make the ocean a
         生活中作出改變,以保護海洋生態,令海豚有一個                        better home for dolphins.
         理想棲息地。                                        Meanwhile, FOF members joined hands in a mudflat clean-up at
                                                       Shui Hau on 14 October 2018, where they helped restore the natural
         此外,「基金之友」會員亦於二零一八年十月十四日                       habitat of the horseshoe crab. Everyone was shocked by the amount
         參加在水口舉辦的泥灘清潔活動,協助修復馬蹄蟹                        of plastic debris found! This year, the FOF programme also included a
         棲息地。參加者對泥灘上的大量塑膠垃圾均感到                         bird watching tour, a Hong Kong newt ecotour, a cetacean stranding
         非常驚訝。同年舉辦的其他活動包括觀鳥導賞團、                        workshop and a night adventure at Tai Tam Country Park.

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