Page 51 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 51

保育基金及海洋公園代表聯同一眾主禮嘉賓,包括                         The honourable guests who officiated the exciting event alongside
            漁農自然護理署助理署長(郊野公園及海岸公園)                         executives of OPCFHK and Ocean Park included: Patrick LAI Chuen-
            黎存志、活動首席贊助商維珍妮國際(控股)有限                         chi, Assistant Director (Country & Marine Parks) of the Agriculture,
            公司執行董事劉震強、長跑運動員屈旨盈、藝人                          Fisheries and Conservation Department; LIU Zhenqiang, Executive
            劉心悠和李施嬅出席「生態保衛賽」頒獎禮。                           Director of Regina Miracle International, the principal sponsor of Run
                                                           for Survival; long-distance runner Crystal VUT; as well as actresses
            除了慈善跑,同場設有「智趣廊」,透過攤位遊戲                         Annie LIU and Selena LEE.
            和工作坊讓公眾加深了解塑膠垃圾對環境的破壞,                         In addition to the charity run, there was a Fun and Learn Centre
            啟發他們作出改變。攤位和工作坊活動包括為海龜                         on-site to inform the public about the devastating effects of plastic
            清除纏擾身上的塑膠垃圾,了解野生動物面對的                          waste on the environment, and to inspire people on how to make a
            威脅;以及製作環保泥膠公仔和全天然驅蚊磚,                          difference. Our fun games and workshops, such as untangling sea
            深受參加者歡迎。                                       turtles from plastic debris, targeting Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
                                                           blocks, making eco-friendly clay and concocting a natural mosquito
                                                           repellent, were extremely well received by the participants.

            Support from the Society

                       +   人報名參加

            2,200  people enrolled
            42 corporations participated
                                      +   善款
            HK$1,600,000  raised

            251  people from community groups sponsored

                                                                                           Community Engagement  |  49
   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56