Page 52 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 52

無飲管運動 2019 ︰連繫你我 對抗塑膠垃圾污染

         No Straw Campaign 2019: Inviting Everyone to Combat Plastic Waste

         從二零一七年發展至現時的「無飲管運動」,保育                        Since its inauguration in 2017, OPCFHK’s No Straw Campaign has
         基金在持續推動「走飲管」生活方面,取得顯著                         continued to promote life without plastic straws with tremendous
         成果。在二零一九年,共有逾一千七百間餐廳食肆、                       success. The number of partnering organisations had more
         教育機構、企業及政府部門參與「無飲管運動」,                        than doubled in 2019, with over 1,700 restaurants, educational
         較去年增加超過一倍。                                    institutions, corporations and government departments joining the
         保育基金的年度調查結果顯示,本港的塑膠飲管                         Research commissioned by OPCFHK also showed encouraging
         使用量從二零一七年的十七億支減至二零一九年的                        progress in the overall reduction of plastic straw consumption in
         十億八千萬支,有持續下降的趨勢,反映運動的成效                       Hong Kong, which dropped from 1.70 billion in 2017 to 1.08 billion
         與日俱增。然而,調查結果亦指出香港人每星期                         in 2019. But since Hong Kongers are still using an average of 4.31
         平均仍然使用四點三一支塑膠飲管,因此大家仍需                        straws per person each week, more needs to be done to save the
         積極作出改變,減少使用即棄塑膠,協助保護環境。                       environment from plastic waste.

         在二零一九年六月五日舉行的啟動禮為「無飲管運動                       The 2019 campaign kicked off with a media event on 5 June 2019
         2019」揭開序幕,並首播由藝人森美為活動拍攝的                      and a promotional video featuring celebrity Sammy Leung, who
         宣傳短片。片中森美化身成小小的「杯緣守護隊」,                       transformed into a pint-sized No Straw Guardian to illustrate the
                                                       huge negative impact that a single plastic straw could bring to the
         闡釋一支看似微不足道的塑膠飲管如何對生態系統                        ecosystem. Actress Aimee Chan, representative of Morgan Stanley,
         和環境造成嚴重破壞。藝人陳茵媺、「無飲管運動                        the major sponsor of No Straw Campaign 2019, and other partners
         2019」主要贊助機構摩根士丹利的代表及其他合作                      of the campaign were also on board with the cause.

                               無飲管運動 2019 宣傳短片
                      No Straw Campaign 2019 Promotion Video

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