Page 56 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 56


         Ocean Park Supports Conservation

         在二零一八至一九年度,保育基金獲海洋公園捐出                        During the year, OPCFHK received a generous donation of HK$11
         約港幣一千一百萬元,以支持保育基金在亞洲區內                        million from Ocean Park in support of conservation and conservation
         的保育及教育工作。                                     education.

         海洋公園的捐款包括部分門票收入(相等於每張出售                       The Park donates HK$1 from every paid admission ticket, as well as
                                                       portions of its panda merchandise sales, food and beverage revenue
         門票捐出港幣一元)、售賣熊貓精品所得的部分                         and animal encounter programme revenue to OPCFHK. Besides, the
         收入、餐飲服務和「與動物親上加親」活動所得的                        Park dedicates a portion of its revenue from Tuxedos Restaurant and
         部分收益。此外,海洋公園亦有捐出園內「冰極                         parking surcharge on designated peak days to conservation projects
         餐廳」的部分收入及於指定繁忙日子收取的停車場                        concerning the impact of climate change on wildlife. To support
         附加費予保育基金,用作支援關注氣候變化對野生                        OPCFHK even further, the Park contributes its plastic bag levy to
         生態影響之保育研究。為進一步支持保育基金的                         OPCFHK along with all entry admission revenue from the first day of
         工作,海洋公園亦捐出所有膠袋徵稅,以及「海洋                        the annual Ocean Park Conservation Day.
         公園保育日」活動首日入場門票之全數收入。                          OPCFHK also appreciates the Park’s assistance in hosting donation
         保育基金在此衷心感謝海洋公園共同協力,在園內                        boxes and Octopus devices inside the Park to facilitate public
         設置捐款箱及八達通捐款設施,以便公眾捐款支持                        donations for the Foundation’s conservation efforts.

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