Page 58 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 58


         Charity Sales and Patrons

         保育基金與商界的合作持續雙管齊下,提供多項與                        OPCFHK continues to work with the commercial sector in a two-
         企業社會責任相關的項目和活動之餘,同時為保育基金                      pronged approach, offering various corporate social responsibility
         籌辦的保育工作籌款。合作計劃包括:永旺(香港)                       programmes to corporations while raising funds for the Foundation.
         百貨有限公司「幸福的黃色小票」、香港空運貨站                        The partnerships include: AEON’s Yellow Receipt Campaign, Hactl
         有限公司「綠。週」環保活動、奇華餅家中秋慈善                        Green Week, Kee Wah’s Mid-Autumn Charity Sale and the SDM Jazz &
                                                       Ballet Academie’s summer activity.
         義賣及 SDM 爵士芭蕾舞學院暑期活動。

         永旺(香港)百貨「幸福的黃色小票」活動在全港永旺百貨(AEON)分店                   香港空運貨站有限公司(Hactl)與保育基金合辦「綠。週」,活動於
         舉行,邀請顧客將黃色的購物收據用作小票,投放到所支持的慈善機構之                     二零一八年十一月順利舉行,鼓勵 Hactl 員工、客戶及香港國際機場內的
         投放箱。最後,永旺百貨向保育基金捐贈所需貨物,總值相等於所得收據總                    工作人員實踐可持續生活模式。 Hactl 更贊助保育基金在活動會場設立教育
         金額的百分之一。                                             攤位,向公眾推廣環保意識。
         The Yellow Receipt Campaign organised by AEON Stores Hong Kong invited   Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited (Hactl) held its Green Week in
         its customers to cast their votes on different charities and organisations with   November 2018. Co-organised with OPCFHK, the Hactl Green Week
         the AEON yellow receipts. AEON then donated goods valued at 1% of the   encouraged Hactl staff, guests and the Hong Kong International Airport
         proceeds from these yellow receipts to OPCFHK.       community to adopt a sustainable lifestyle. To promote environmental
                                                              awareness, Hactl sponsored an OPCFHK booth at the event.

         二零一八年八至九月期間,奇華餅家的中秋慈善義賣推出「奇華餅家 ‧海洋公園」                SDM 爵士芭蕾舞學院在二零一九年於海洋公園怡慶坊舉辦 Summer Dance
         竹筒熊貓迷你月餅禮盒,奇華餅家將每個售出禮盒的收益,撥捐港幣五元                     Concert,並捐出部分門票收入,支持保育基金的工作。此外,SDM 在旗下
         予保育基金。                                               超過十間芭蕾舞學院設置保育基金的捐款箱,共同推廣有關環境保育的工作。
         Kee Wah’s Mid-Autumn Charity Sale in August and September 2018 featured   SDM Jazz & Ballet Academie hosted a Summer Dance Concert at Ocean Park’s
         a special Kee Wah Bakery x Ocean Park Panda-themed Gift Box. HK$5 from   Applause Pavilion in 2019 and donated part of the admission revenues to
         each box sold was donated to the Foundation.         OPCFHK. Furthermore, SDM puts donation boxes at over 10 of their branches
                                                              to promote environmental initiatives in conjunction with OPCFHK.

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