Page 57 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 57


            Forging Conservation Alliances with Corporations

            商界夥伴的支持對保育基金推行保育及教育工作                          Corporate  partnerships  play  a  crucial  role  in  supporting  the
            尤為重要。我們樂見許多企業逐漸以可持續發展及                         conservation efforts of OPCFHK. We are glad to see more and more
            致力守護下一代為首要目標。不同的企業和機構可                         businesses put sustainable business development and the future
            透過保育基金的平台,積極為環保及野生動物保育                         generations as a top priority. OPCFHK offers an excellent platform
            工作出一分力。                                        for corporations to realise their support towards environmental
                                                           protection and wildlife conservation.

            Conservation Alliance


                                                           OPCFHK has created with Ocean Park a sea life mural that signifies
                                                           the vision for a healthy marine environment. Located below the Sea
                                                           Life Carousel at the Park’s Waterfront Plaza, the mural is a perfect
                                                           backdrop for the Foundation’s Signature Brick, which pays tribute to
                                                           the generous donations and supports from corporate partners and
                                                           individual patrons.

            Corporate Events

            保育基金與不同公司和團體合作,舉辦保護野生                          OPCFHK works with corporations and organisations to offer
            生態及修復棲息環境的活動。過去一年,多家企業                         engagement programmes that focus on protecting wildlife and
            包括資本策略地產有限公司、香港蜆殼有限公司、                         restoring their habitats.
            MegaBox、海洋網聯船務(東亞)有限公司、莎莎                      Last year, staff from CSI Properties Limited, Shell Hong Kong Limited,
            化妝品有限公司、恒隆地產有限公司、美國道富                          MegaBox, Ocean Network Express (East Asia) Ltd., Sa Sa Cosmetic
            亞洲及中國飛機租賃集團的員工參與了保育基金主辦                        Company Limited, Hang Lung Properties Limited, State Street Bank &
            的泥灘清潔活動或中華白海豚生態考察之旅,一同                         Trust and China Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Limited participated
            欣賞和保育大自然及野生生態。                                 in mudflat clean-ups or Chinese white dolphin ecotours organised by
                                                           OPCFHK to show their appreciation for nature and wildlife.
            大學,參與馬蹄蟹校園保母計劃,飼養年幼馬蹄蟹,                        What’s more, working alongside OPCFHK and City University of Hong
                                                           Kong, the Aberdeen Marina Club took part in the Juvenile Horseshoe
            並將十一隻馬蹄蟹放歸野外。                                  Crab Rearing Programme, where they helped foster and released 11
                                                           horseshoe crabs back into the wild.

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