Page 50 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 50

生態保衛賽 2019:成為保育英雄,秒殺海洋垃圾

         Run for Survival: Be a Conservation Hero and K.O. Marine Debris

         保育基金每年一度的重點活動「生態保衛賽」慈善跑                       Run for Survival is OPCFHK’s annual highlight event for promoting
         旨在推廣生物多樣性及海洋保育,提高公眾關注                         biodiversity and marine conservation. We wish to boost public
         海洋垃圾對野生生物棲息地所造成的嚴重威脅。                         awareness of the dire threats of marine debris to wildlife habitats,
         活動籌得的善款用作支持保育基金於亞洲的野生                         while raising funds to support OPCFHK’s wildlife conservation efforts
         生態保育工作。                                       in Asia.
                                                       The last event on 19 May 2019 saw a record-breaking turnout of
         第五屆「生態保衛賽」於二零一九年五月十九日順利                       more than 2,200 participants from all walks of life. Supported by 42
         舉行,吸引逾二千二百人參與,打破歷屆紀錄,                         companies and 206 volunteers, the event raised a whopping HK$1.6
         同時獲四十二間公司和二百零六名義工支持,籌得                        million for conservation work.
                                                       Themed ‘Be a Conservation Hero. K.O. Marine Debris!’, Run
         今屆慈善跑主題為「成為保育英雄,秒殺海洋垃圾」,                      for Survival 2019 focused on the plastic pollution issue, and how
         突顯塑膠污染問題及對海洋生物、生態系統和人類                        it impacts marine animals, the ecosystem and eventually human
         的影響,同時鼓勵參加者減少使用即棄塑膠產品,                        beings. Participants were encouraged to reduce their consumption of
         例如飲管或膠樽,身體力行實踐綠色生活。                           single-use plastics, such as straws and bottles, for a greener lifestyle.
                                                       Held at the Hong Kong Science Park and along the Pak Shek Kok
         慈善跑設有三個比賽組別,分別為十公里計時                          Promenade, Run for Survival 2019 consisted of three different races:
         障礙賽、三公里同樂組及今年新增的 4 x 2.5 公里                   a 10km timed challenge, a 3km fun run, and a new category – the 4
         計時接力賽。參賽者由香港科學園出發,途徑                          X 2.5km timed challenge relay. Runners were required to complete
         白石角海濱長廊,並化身「保育英雄」完成賽道上                        different marine conservation-themed tasks around the course, such
         各種以保衛海洋為題的障礙挑戰,例如穿越繩網陣                        as traversing a rope course and sorting out garbage using correct
         保衛海洋、把海洋保護區中的垃圾正確地分類回收、                       recycling bins in the marine protected area; walking on a balance
         行走平衡木維持海洋生態系統平衝及躲避「海洋殺手」                      beam to find the equilibrium for a healthy ocean and ecosystem; and
         搶奪生命彩帶等。                                      guarding the life tag by escaping from ocean killers.

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