Page 47 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 47


            Collaboration: Partnerships for Change

            清潔灣區我的家──粵港澳海洋生物繪畫比賽 2018
            The Greater Bay Area, Our Elegant Home –

            Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Marine Life Drawing Competition 2018


                                                           The Greater Bay Area is home to a wide variety of marine species.
                                                           Among them are the Chinese white dolphin and green sea turtle, as
                                                           well as numerous species of corals and fish – all vital for the delicate
                                                           ecological equilibrium.
                                                           The governments of Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macao
                                                           have taken turns to play host to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao
                                                           Marine Life Drawing Competition every two years since 2010. The
                                                           drawing competition encourages students, youngsters and the public
                                                           to express their impressions of marine life through art while promoting
                                                           awareness on marine conservation. Co-organised by OPCFHK in close
                                                           collaboration with AFCD, the competition this year attracted 2,716
                                                           incredible pieces of artwork on the theme of ‘The Greater Bay Area,
                                                           Our Elegant Home’. A prize presentation ceremony was held at Ocean
                                                           Park on 17 February 2019 to celebrate creativity for conservation.


            Promoting Conservation at Whiskers & Friends Reading Carnivals

            保育基金與海洋公園探索及教育部合作,在本港多區                        In collaboration with Ocean Park’s Discovery and Education Division,
            舉行的「威威與好友」閱讀嘉年華中設立教育攤位,                        OPCFHK hosted educational booths at Whiskers and Friends
            希望為幼稚園學生和小學生營造有趣的學習體驗,                         Reading Carnivals across the city. Targeting kindergarten and
            令他們對大自然產生興趣。過去一年,保育基金參與                        primary school students, the carnivals looked to create fun learning
            共七個閱讀嘉年華,以「無飲管運動」和馬蹄蟹                          experiences for children and introduce them to the wonders of
                                                           nature. OPCFHK supported seven Reading Carnivals with nearly
            保育為主題設計活動,吸引近七千名學生參與。                          7,000 students taking part in activities themed around No Straw
                                                           Campaign and horseshoe crab conservation.

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