Page 24 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 24



         Regional Conservation Efforts: The Mysterious Connection between
         Corals and Humans — Corals and Marine Life around Corals

          © Virko Yu

          © Virko Yu                                     © Matt Glue, FFI

         威脅及保育價值                                       Threats and conservation values
         珊瑚礁擁有全球所有生態系統中最高的生物多樣                         Coral reefs have the highest biodiversity levels among all ecosystems
         性。牠們不僅保護海岸線免受海浪的破壞和暴風雨                        globally. They protect coastlines from damaging waves and storms,
         侵襲,還為許多海洋生物提供棲息地、庇護所和                         and serve as habitats, shelters and nursery grounds for many marine
         孕養地。珊瑚礁更提供海洋食物鏈中必需的養分,                        organisms. Corals are also the source of essential nutrients in marine
         幫助養分循環再用。                                     food chains and assist in the recycling of nutrients.
                                                       Unless effective conservation and management strategies are implemented
         除非實施有效的保育和海洋污染監管策略,否則                         to mitigate marine pollution, eutrophication, over-exploitation, habitat
         富養化作用、過度開發、棲息地碎化等問題仍會                         fragmentation will continue to occur and lead to the loss of biological
         導致生物和基因多樣性流失。珊瑚礁作為氣候變化                        and genetic diversity, with coral reefs – a major indicator of climate
         的主要指標之一,將會首當其衝,受到嚴重破壞。                        change – as one of the first casualties.
         現時估計,在大堡礁出現的大規模珊瑚白化將會                         The increasing frequency of large-scale coral bleaching, such as
         加劇,並需要更長的時間才能修復。                              those seen on the Great Barrier Reef, are predicted to become more
                                                       severe, thus requiring longer recovery times.

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