Page 20 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 20


         Sterling’s Toothed Toad 和 Botsford’s Leaf-litter Frog

         Regional Conservation Efforts: Leaping to the Defence of Amphibians –
         Sterling’s Toothed Toad and Botsford’s Leaf-litter Frog

         威脅及保育價值                                       Threats and conservation values
         在東南亞進行兩棲動物保育工作的一大難題是                          A critical issue affecting amphibian conservation in Southeast Asia is
         當地缺乏有關知識和執行能力。越南的黃連山山脈                        the lack of knowledge and local capacity for implementation. Hoang
         除 孕 育 了 Botsford’s Leaf-litter Frog 和 Sterling’s   Lien Son Range, Vietnam, home to the Botsford’s leaf-litter frog
         Toothed Toad,更是兩棲動物多樣性和特有性的                   and Sterling’s toothed toad, is an important location for amphibian
         重要地區。                                         diversity and endemism.
                                                       Working alongside local conservationists, the collaborative project
         保育基金聯同當地保育專家與倫敦動物學會攜手                         between OPCFHK and the Zoological Society of London focused
         合作,了解這兩種極度瀕危兩棲動物的生態,藉以                        on the biology and ecology of these two critically endangered
         保護其關鍵棲息地,以及評估和減輕該地區對物種                        amphibians, site protection for critical habitat retention, and mitigation
         的病理威脅。                                        and assessment of pathological threats to amphibians in the area.

                                                       Conservation efforts and achievements
                                                       The project’s main focus was to map the distributional range of the
                                                       Sterling’s toothed toad and Botsford’s leaf-litter frog to get a better
                                                       understanding of the biology and ecology of the species, and to
                                                       increase local capacity for amphibian conservation in Vietnam.
                                                       To everyone’s surprise, two new species – the Mount Fansipan
                                                       horned frog (Megophrys fansipanensis) and the Hoang Lien horned
                                    © Benjamin Tapley
                                                       frog (Megophrys hoanglienensis) – were discovered during the course
         Botsford’s Leaf-litter Frog                   of the project. This showed how little is known about amphibians in
                                                       the region and the importance of this conservation project.

          © Benjamin Tapley
         Sterling’s Toothed Toad
         此項目的主要目的是標示 Sterling’s Toothed Toad
         和 Botsford’s leaf-litter frog 的 分 布 範 圍, 從 而 更
         意外地發現兩個新物種,分別是 Megophrys
         fanipanensis 和 Megophrys hoanglienensis。這項
         發現更突顯我們對當地的兩棲動物認知甚少,亦肯定                        © Benjamin Tapley

          學名            Oreolalax sterlingae and Leptolalax botsfordi
          Scientific name
          概要            保護物種及其棲息地之餘,增加當地知識和實施保育策略的能力亦非常重要
          Overview      It is important to protect the species and its habitat, as well as enhancing knowledge and capacity building
          保育狀況          極度瀕危
          IUCN status   Critically Endangered
          估計數量          不確定
          Population    Uncertain
          主要威脅          住宅和商業發展破壞棲息地、棲息地污染和氣候變化(例如惡劣天氣和極端溫度)
          Threats       Habitat destruction due to residential and commercial development, pollution and climate change such as severe weather and
                        extreme temperatures

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