Page 27 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 27

© Bingyao Chen

            Yangtze finless porpoise

            保育工作與成果 – 長江江豚                                 Conservation efforts and achievements —

            保育基金贊助了多個於區內進行的研究項目,以                          Yangtze finless porpoise
            支持鯨豚保育和管理。當中包括中國科學院水生                          OPCFHK sponsored numerous studies to support cetacean
            生物研究所在湖南省洞庭湖嘗試恢復野生長江江豚                         conservation and management in the region. These include The
            數量的項目;華中農業大學在天鵝洲國家級自然                          Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences that
            保護區展開風險評估,採取對抗餌料魚疫病的                           promoted Yangtze finless porpoise wild population recovery in
            計劃;以及南京師範大學團隊對當地長江江豚數量、                        Dongting Lake, Hunan province; and the Huazhong Agricultural
            時間和空間分布和最佳棲息地之研究。在其他地區,                        University that deployed risk assessment and measures to counter
                                                           fish bait disease in Tian-e-zhou National Nature Reserve, Hubei.
            馬來西亞理科大學則評估由人工飼養的長江江豚                          Another team from the Nanjing Normal University studied the
            懷孕期間的福祉。                                       population abundance, spatio-temporal distribution and optimal
            目前為止,團隊已收集並分析調查、樣本和數據以                         habitats of the Yangtze finless porpoise in Nanjing. Elsewhere, the
            提高區內的鯨豚保育意識。其他研究亦評估不同                          Universiti Sains Malaysia implemented a welfare assessment of
                                                           Yangtze finless porpoises under human care during pregnancy.
            的重要性。隨著洞庭湖採砂工作停止,人們目睹                          To date, surveys, samples and data have been collected and
            長江江豚的次數亦有所增加。                                  analysed to raise local conservation awareness. Studies also include
                                                           assessment of the effectiveness of various conservation methods.
                                                           In addition, local threats are highlighted and mitigation strategies are
                                                           being enforced. With the cessation of sand mining in Dongting Lake,
                                                           more Yangtze finless porpoises can be spotted.

             學名             Neophocaena assiaeorientalis ssp. asiaeorientalis
             Scientific name
             概要             中國唯一現存的淡水鯨豚動物,沿海地區的迅速發展令牠們受到各種人為威脅
             Overview       The only living freshwater cetacean in China, it is under various anthropogenic threats due to rapid coastal development
             保育狀況           極度瀕危
             IUCN status    Critically Endangered
             估計數量           >1,000
             主要威脅           人類活動,例如被捕魚漁網纏繞、污染、船隻碰撞和城市發展造成的傷害
             Threats        Human impacts such as entanglement as a result of fishing, pollution, boat trauma and urban development

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