Page 29 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 29



            Local Efforts: Protecting Threatened Species — Cetacean Stranding
            Response and the Hong Kong Marine Life Stranding and Education Centre

            威脅及保育價值                                        Threats and conservation values
            自二零零六年五月起,保育基金與漁農自然護理署                         Since May 2006, OPCFHK has been collaborating with the
            (漁護署)合作調查香港鯨豚擱淺情況。二零一六                         Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) to
            年,保育基金更將工作範圍延伸至其他瀕危的鯊魚                         investigate cetacean stranding cases in Hong Kong. In 2016, the
            和鯆魚。香港每年約有二十至五十宗鯨豚擱淺個案。                        Foundation extended its stranding response programme to cover
            二零一八至一九年度,保育基金合共處理三十五宗                         threatened species of sharks and rays. The number of cetacean
                                                           stranding cases in Hong Kong ranges from 20 to 50 per year. In
            江豚、五宗中華白海豚和五宗其他鯨豚物種之擱淺                         2018/19, there were 35 cases on finless porpoises, five on Chinese
            個案。                                            white dolphins and five on other species.
            海洋公園為「鯨豚擱淺行動組」的工作提供寶貴                          Ocean Park supports the Cetacean Stranding Response Team with
            專業技術和知識支援。當行動組收到擱淺報告後,                         valuable technical expertise. After receiving a stranding report, the
            會前往現場進行調查並收集樣本以進行進一步的                          team will conduct on-site investigation and collect samples for further
            檢驗和研究。如遇活體擱淺,海洋公園的獸醫、                          examination and research. In the case of live stranding, OPCFHK
            海洋哺乳動物和水族部以及保育基金將聯同漁護署                         will work together with the Veterinary Department, Marine Mammal
            共同探討各種現場治療或營救方案。                               Department and Aquarium Department of Ocean Park, as well as
                                                           AFCD to explore various on-site treatment or rescue options.

            Stranding Case 1: Rescuing and treating an injured Chinese white dolphin
            off Lantau Island

            最少三處很深、呈 V 形的橫向傷口,而且傷口邊緣
            活動能力。這個案證明,成功的營救行動需要公眾                          © Zerlina Leung
            On 25 August 2018, an adult Chinese white dolphin
            was reported injured in Lantau waters. Photographs
            showed the dolphin suffered at least three deep
            V-shaped open wounds across its back and fluke,
            likely caused by a boat strike. After close monitoring
            and assessment, the Cetacean Stranding Response
            Team, AFCD, and the Ocean Park veterinary team
            administered long-acting broad spectrum antibiotics
            and let the dolphin remain in its natural environment.   © OPCFHK
            After continued observation over the following
            weeks, the dolphin was seen to have recovered from
            the life-threatening injury, and possessed moderate
            swimming and diving ability. The incident showed
            that public awareness, swift professional decisions
            and government support are all needed for any
            successful rescue operation.

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