Page 25 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 25

保育工作與成果                                        Conservation efforts and achievements

            有見及此,新加坡國立大學評估了整個東南亞和                          With this in mind, the National University of Singapore looks to
            珊瑚大三角的珊瑚基因流動、遺傳關連性和進化狀                         assess the gene flow, genetic connectivity and evolution of corals
            況,以促進海洋保育規劃和管理。為了保護當地的                         throughout Southeast Asia and the Coral Triangle to promote
            珊瑚礁和關連的動植物,研究人員嘗試識別具有                          informed marine conservation planning and management. In a bid to
            高度遺傳多樣性和新出現進化狀況的珊瑚礁區域。                         assist coral reef conservation in the region and their associated flora
                                                           and fauna, high genetic diversity regions and evolutionary novelty
            另外亦會加強對分子方法和當地保育遺傳學的知識                         will be identified. Conservation capacity with respect to molecular
            的培訓。                                           methods and conservation genetics will also be enhanced.
            研究團隊通過一系列的講座,向巴布亞新幾內亞                          The research team demonstrated the methods and techniques
            大學的學生展示此研究所使用的方法和技術,藉以                         leveraged in the project to students from the University of Papua
            促進當地的海洋保育規劃和管理,以持續監測珊瑚                         New Guinea through a series of lectures, helping promote informed
            健康。                                            marine conservation planning and management, as well as ongoing
                                                           monitoring of coral health in the region.
            鹿角珊瑚的修復技術。該項目目的在提倡具科學                          Furthermore, The University of Hong Kong, in collaboration with
            根據的珊瑚修復工作,並為其提供科學數據。                           OPCFHK attempts to optimise coral restoration techniques in Hong
                                                           Kong, specifically for the species Acropora sp. The project aims to
            希望在氣侯變化的影響下,仍能提高本港珊瑚                           inform and to promote the science-based coral restoration practices that
            修復工作的效益。                                       one may maximise the restoration efforts in the face of climate change.

              © Loretta Kwok

             學名             多個珊瑚物種
             Scientific name  Multiple coral species
             概要             Due to the increasing frequency of large-scale coral bleaching events, it is of vital importance that effective conservation and
                            management strategies for coral reefs are implemented
             保育狀況           近危至極度瀕危
             IUCN status    Ranging from Near Threatened to Critically Endangered
             估計數量           珊瑚大三角內共有五百多種珊瑚,佔全球百分之七十以上的珊瑚物種
             Population     The Coral Triangle is home to over 500 species and 70% of the world's coral species
             主要威脅           全球暖化和地方急速發展
             Threats        Global warming and rapid local development

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