Page 28 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 28

保育工作與成果 – 伊河豚                                 Conservation efforts and achievements — Irrawaddy
         河豚的生態學研究,目的是找出當地伊河豚的最新                        A recent ecological study into cetaceans by the Universiti Sains
         數量和分布,研究其活動模式、棲息地使用和日間                        Malaysia focuses on the Irrawaddy dolphin in Penang. Its objectives
         行為,並建議未來保育和管理的方針。                             are to provide updated information on their abundance and
                                                       distribution in the region, study their movement patterns, habitat use
         該項目提升了當地居民的保育意識,並推動持份者                        and daylight behaviour, and recommend further conservation and
         間更佳的協作。當地亦推出智能電話應用程式,                         management strategies.
         允許漁民、旅行社、遊客和本地居民記錄目擊伊河豚                       The project has raised awareness among locals and allowed for
         的時間和地點,從而改善海豚分布和數量數據。                         better collaboration between stakeholders. A mobile application has
                                                       also been implemented to allow fishermen, tour operators, tourists
                                                       and locals to document sightings of Irrawaddy dolphins, thereby
                                                       improving the distribution and population data.

                                                                                                  © Vivian Kuit

         Irrawaddy dolphin

          學名            Orcealla brevirostris
          Scientific name
          概要            在南亞和東南亞的湖泊、河流和沿海地區會發現伊河豚,現時有關伊河豚的研究不多
          Overview      Found in lakes, rivers, and coastal areas in South and Southeast Asia, little is known about the very scarce Irrawaddy dolphin
          保育狀況          瀕危
          IUCN status   Endangered
          估計數量          急速下降
          Population    Rapidly decreasing in numbers
          主要威脅          誤捕、污染、水壩和其他人類影響之威脅
          Threats       Primarily threatened by bycatch, pollution, dams and other human actions

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