Page 21 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 21



            Regional Conservation Efforts: Enhancing Local Awareness and
            Understanding – Bornean Orangutan and Giant Panda

            威脅及保育價值                                        Threats and conservation values
            伐林、捕獵、非法放牧、人口增長以及對當地物種                         Deforestation, hunting, illegal livestock grazing, human expansion,
            缺乏了解和保育意識,都是導致婆羅洲紅毛猩猩和                         and a lack of local understanding and awareness are just some of
            大熊貓面臨絕種的主要因素。研究指出,極度瀕危                         the major threats the Bornean orangutan and giant panda are both
            的野生婆羅洲紅毛猩猩在一九九九年至二零一五年                         facing. Studies show that over 100,000 Bornean orangutans were
            間,減少了超過十萬隻。與此同時,氣候變化令                          lost between 1999 and 2015. Meanwhile, a shortage of bamboo
                                                           caused by climate change is predicted to further threaten the giant
            竹子減少,預期將進一步威脅大熊貓的存活。                           panda’s survival.

                                                           Conservation efforts and achievements —
                                                           Bornean orangutan

                                                           A recent project with Yayasan IAR Indonesia in Pematang Gadung,
                                                           Indonesia seeks to understand the societal context and reduce
                                                           negative human impact on the orangutan’s natural habitat. The
                                                           project aims to assess, change and monitor the impacts of
                                                           behavioural changes in the community forest and society, as well as
                                                           to build consistency, increase capacity and motivate positive actions.
                                                           To date, the project has set up and trained patrol teams for
                                                           the community forest and two palm oil companies. In addition,
                                                           educational projects are streamlined and integrated thanks to the
                                                           Interfaith Conservation Programme that looks to bring education,
             © Yayasan IAR Indonesia                       conservation and religion together. A new Ketapang Environmental
                                                           Learning Centre for educational activities has also been established.
            Bornean orangutan
            保育工作與成果 – 婆羅洲紅毛猩猩                              A testimony to the project’s success, there was no community
                                                           forest fire for the first time ever during the dry season. There was
            位於印尼 Pematang Gadung 的印尼國際動物救                  also a notable change in the number of wild orangutans and
            援最近開展了一個保育項目,透過了解當地社會背                         orangutans under human care to be rescued and translocated, as
            景從而減少人類對紅毛猩猩自然棲息地帶來的負面                         well as interventions required by the Orangutan Protection Unit and
                                                           Community Forest patrol teams.
                                                                           © Hari Bumi                © Fatwa Mui

             學名             Pongo pygmaeus
             Scientific name
             概要             數量於過去六十年下降超過百分之五十,棲息地在過去二十年減少超過百分之五十五
             Overview       Population size declined by more than 50% in the last 60 years and habitat reduced by at least 55% in the last 20 years
             保育狀況           極度瀕危
             IUCN status    Critically Endangered
             估計數量           估計由一個世紀前的二十三萬隻下降至現時的十萬零四千七百隻
             Population     Only 104,700 estimated now, down from 230,000 a century ago
             主要威脅           棲息地流失、捕獵和當地缺乏對這個物種的了解和保育意識
             Threats        Habitat loss, hunting, and a lack of local understanding and conservation awareness

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