Page 23 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 23


            Regional Conservation Efforts: Tagging, Tracking and Observing –
            Sakhalin Taimen

            威脅及保育價值                                          Threats and conservation values
            位於日本北海道的猿払川對於迴遊而來產卵的成年                           Located in Hokkaido Japan, the Sarufutsu River is challenging to
            遠東哲羅鮭可謂一大挑戰,因為河道中設有很多理應                          navigate for spawning Sakhalin taimen adults as it is full of culverts
            被移除或需要維修的暗渠(包括人工隧道或溪澗)。                          (man-made tunnels or streams) that should be removed or
            遠東哲羅鮭屬鮭科的迴游魚類,分布範圍由日本北部                          repaired. The Sakhalin taimen, a threatened migratory fish of the
            至俄羅斯遠東地區。有關項目是首個嘗試追蹤此物種                          Salmonidae family, has a natural habitat that ranges from northern
                                                             Japan to the Russian Far East. This ongoing study is the first
            產卵期和遷移至淡水習性之研究。                                  attempt at tracking the Sakhalin taimen’s spawning schedules and
                                                             freshwater migratory patterns.
                                                             Conservation efforts and achievements

                                                             An electronic tagging and surveillance programme in the Sarufutsu
                                                             River, led by Limnos, LLC, enables researchers to track fish in
                                                             the watershed and better understand what happens to them.
                                                             Researchers have successfully captured, tagged and released
                                                             94 adult taimen, many more than they managed in the previous
                                                             study. Interviews and questionnaires are also administered to
                                                             understand the attitudes of anglers towards catch-and-release
                                                             fishing practices, while estimating the number of taimen captured
                                                             each year in the lower river. Results indicate that the established
                                            © Peter Rand     protected area helps conserve the critical spawning habitat, and
                                                             the species appears to be resilient to catch-and-release sport
            保育工作與成果                                          fishing in the lower river.
            由 Limnos, LLC 領導的電子標記和監察計劃,讓研究人員

                                                              © H Perryi

                                            © Peter Rand

             學名             Hucho perryi
             Scientific name
             概要             研究人員一直追蹤和監察遠東哲羅鮭的數量和徊游路線
             Overview       Researchers have been tracking and monitoring the Sakhalin taimen's migratory route and numbers
             保育狀況           極度瀕危
             IUCN status    Critically Endangered
             估計數量           缺乏準確數據,但數量正在下降
             Population     Limited data available on the absolute population size of this species, but numbers are known to be declining
             主要威脅           棲息地破碎化和重要的產卵徊游路線受阻
             Threats        Habitat fragmentation and blockage of important routes for reproductive migration

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