Page 52 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 52



         Run for Survival
         Promoting a Healthy World

         在二零二零至二零二一年度,保育基金透過一年一度的「生                          In 2020/21, OPCFHK took literal and metaphorical strides
         態保衛賽」慈善跑,推動大眾關注生物多樣性及海洋生物保                          to raise awareness of biodiversity and marine conservation
         育。是次活動籌得的款項將用作支持保育基金的亞洲野生生                          through its annual charity runs. All proceeds from the runs
         態保育工作。在 2019 冠狀病毒病影響下,「生態保衛賽」                       went to support OPCFHK's conservation work with Asian
         慈善跑依然能夠成功舉行,足證社區為保護地球及各物種付                          wildlife. The success of these events in the face of COVID-19
                                                             has demonstrated the community's tremendous dedication
                                                             and determination to protecting the world and the animals
                                                             that live in it.
         「生態保衛賽 2020 線上跑」

         Run for Survival 2020 Virtual Run

                                                             Despite the COVID-19 outbreak, 2020 marked another
                                                             successful year for OPCFHK's Run for Survival. Themed
                                                             around Be an Ocean Guardian, Run to Save Wildlife!, the
                                                             event and its social media campaign attracted significant
                                                             public attention. Originally scheduled for 22 March 2020 at
                                                             Pak Shek Kok Promenade, the run was postponed to 24
                                                             August to 31 October 2020 and transformed into OPCFHK's
                                                             first-ever virtual run. Instead of running  as a group,
                                                             participants were encouraged to complete the challenge
                                                             anytime and anywhere and then upload screenshots to
         雖然受 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情影響,但「生態保衛賽」慈善跑                      confi rm their running distance, date and time. After the results
         仍能在二零二零年成功推行,以「加入海洋保衛隊 完成拯救                         were verifi ed, the participants were awarded fi nisher medals
         任務」為主題,透過慈善跑及社交媒體活動引起廣泛公眾                           and e-certifi cates.
         白石角海濱長廊舉行,但受疫情影響,延期至二零二零年八月                         To double the fun, OPCFHK created three social media
                                                             challenges to raise awareness and build excitement –
         二十四日至十月三十一日,並改以線上形式舉行,成為保育                          the Save the Ocean Colouring Competition, Plastic Free
         基金首個線上跑活動。參加者毋須組隊參加,可以自由選擇                          Challenge and Dress Like the Ocean Challenge. The
         時間和場地完成挑戰,再上載截圖以確認所跑路程、日期及                          challenges received more than 70 entries. In addition, the Fun
         時間。在核實結果後,參加者即可獲發完賽獎牌及電子證書。                         & Learn Centre created interesting and educational videos
         此外,為令活動更添趣味及推廣保育意識,保育基金更推出                          about public health and safety, including the popular "Family
         三項社交媒體挑戰賽,分別為「拯救海洋填色比賽」、「走塑                         Home Workshop: Learn how to make an upcycled face mask
         挑戰」及「海洋換新裝有獎挑戰」,成功收到超過 70 份

                                                                Public Support

                                                                965 participants
                                       「拯救海洋填色比賽」冠軍 :
                                       Momo LAM                                        善款
                                       Momo LAM
                                       Save the Ocean Colouring
                                       Save the Ocean Colouring   HK$1.0M+ raised
                                       Competition Champion:
                                       Competition Champion:
                                       Momo LAM
                                       Momo LAM

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