Page 54 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 54


         保護野生生態 延續地球未來

         Partnering with Bank of China (Hong Kong)
         Conserve Wildlife Today for a Better Planet Tomorrow

         保育基金十分感謝中國銀行(香港)有限公司                        OPCFHK is extremely grateful for the generous sponsorship of the Bank
         (中銀香港)慷慨解囊,在二零二零至二零二一年                      of China (Hong Kong) Limited (BOCHK), whose HK$3 million grant
         度捐出港幣三百萬元贊助「保護野生生態 延續地                      sponsored the Conserve Wildlife Today for a Better Planet Tomorrow
         球未來」活動,支持香港及亞洲區內有關海洋保                       programme in 2020/21 to support scientific projects in Hong Kong
         育及打擊非法野生動物交易的科研項目。這些項目有                     and Asia about marine conservation and combating illegal wildlife
                                                     trade. By implementing these projects, OPCFHK hopes to safeguard
         助保育基金守護亞洲生物多樣性及提升公眾對有                       Asian biodiversity and raise public awareness about biodiversity, the
         關方面的認識,了解保育的重要性及塑膠對海洋生                      importance of conservation and the impact of plastic pollution on
         物造成的污染。獲得這筆捐款支持的項目包括:                       marine wildlife. Specifi c projects supported by this grant include:

         Wildlife Conservation Projects in Hong Kong and Asia
         OPCFHK and BOCHK co-funded a total of 19 scientifi c research projects in Hong Kong and Asia. These projects gathered data
         and information to help scientists, conservationists, government organisations and other stakeholders evaluate, monitor and
         formulate conservation plans to mitigate Asian biodiversity loss.

                                       © Chen Min                                  © Chen Min
         研究團隊準備在海龜身上放置追蹤器。                      研究團隊在海龜身上放置追蹤器。
         Research team preparing to place tracker on sea turtle.  Researcher placing tracker on sea turtle.

         綜合社交媒體活動                                                                  公眾活動參與情況
         Integrated Social Media Campaign                   Public Campaign Engagement
         月,網羅不同保育主題,透過網上研討會及講座方                                                    位受眾
         式,向公眾講解有關生物多樣性及氣候變化的資訊,                              749,000+ audience reached
         With BOCHK's donation, OPCFHK successfully                       網上研討會及講座參加者
         organised a widespread online public awareness      800+ webinar and seminar participants
         campaign. This seven-month campaign educated the
         public about conservation topics such as biodiversity         份問卷調查回應
         and climate change through webinars and seminars,
         and conducted surveys to gather information         384 survey respondents
         about the audience's conservation knowledge and

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