Page 56 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 56


         守護生物多樣性  建設更美好未來

         Conservation Hero Support Programme
         Building a Bright Future that Safeguards Biodiversity

         在二零二零至二零二一年度,儘管大眾日常生活                       In 2020/21, even as the world locked down and suspended daily
         在疫情下未能如常運作,但保育基金仍矢志堅守                       operations to combat COVID-19, OPCFHK's mission to advocate for,
         使命,身體力行宣揚與促進亞洲野生生態保育                        facilitate and participate in the effective conservation of Asian wildlife
         工作。現時,生物多樣性正受到前所未有的嚴重                       persevered. Now more than ever, biodiversity is at a severe risk from
         威脅,包括氣候變化、塑膠污染、過度捕撈、非法                      threats such as climate change, plastic pollution, overfishing, illegal
                                                     wildlife trade, and habitat loss. As a result, it is extremely important
         野生動物交易及棲息地喪失等,支援本地及亞洲區                      to support conservation research locally and across Asia, and deliver
         內的保育研究顯得尤其重要,以開拓創新的數據                       innovative solutions and methods of data collection to support these
         收集方案及研究方法。為了實現這個目標,保育                       endeavours. To fulfi l this goal, OPCFHK created a new way to appeal for
         基金特別推出全新籌款活動,呼籲大家支持。                        public donations.
         在二零二零年,保育基金推出全新「保育英雄支                       In 2020, OPCFHK launched the Conservation Hero Support Programme.
         援計劃」,旨在募集各界人士及企業機構的支持,                      This new initiative is designed to gather support from all walks of life to
         透過單次或每月捐款資助保育研究及教育工作,                       help protect nature, allowing individuals and corporations to make one-
         共同保護大自然。其中,保育基金特別鳴謝以下                       off or monthly donations to aid in conservation research and education.
         企業伙伴在二零二零年十月至二零二一年六月的                       OPCFHK would particularly like to thank the following corporate partners
         慷慨支持:                                       for their generous support from October 2020 to June 2021:

                                 保育英雄支援計劃 Conservation Hero Supporting Programme
           Gold Donor (HK$60,000)
           Silver Donors (HK$30,000)

           Bronze Donors (HK$15,000)

            成為保育英雄 – 踴躍捐款!
            Be a Conservation Hero – Donate now!

            每日捐出港幣 3.3 元,即可支持你所選擇的環                  When you donate HK$3.3 per day, you can choose the
            保議題及物種。「保育英雄支援計劃」提供單                     environmental issue and species about which you are most
            次或每月網上捐款選項,為保育基金的工作提                     concerned. You can show your support with either a one-off or a
            供直接幫助,當中包括:                              monthly online donation. Your donation will directly contribute to
                                                     OPCFHK's conservation efforts, such as:
               海洋生物擱淺行動項目                               Research funding projects in Asia
                                                        The Marine Life Stranding Response Programme
                                                        Community education on conservation
            掃描二維碼,了解更多!                              Scan now to learn more!
                                     成為保育英雄 –
                                       踴躍捐款!                                               Be a Conservation Hero –
                                                                                               Donate now!

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