Page 17 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 17
The review focused on four key areas of achievement:
1. 生物多樣性保育工作 Biodiversity Conservation
6+ 個亞洲保護區成立,包括全新開設或經活化/復修/加强保護的區域
protected areas established across Asia, including new areas and ones that have been revitalized/restored/strengthened
150,000+ 公頃棲息地受到保護或復修
hectares of habitats protected or restored
重點物種數量顯著增加 包括長江江豚、長冠八哥、科莫多龍,以及多種龜類和魚類
A notable recorded increase in the populations of targeted species, including the Yangtze fi nless porpoise, Bali starling,
Komodo dragon, various turtles and fi shes
12 個新發現物種
new species discovered
打擊非法貿易及捕獵 行動包括設置相機偵測網絡、成立巡邏隊伍,以及加強當地社群的溝通與參與
Combated illegal trade through setting up camera trap networks, establishing patrol teams, and enhancing
and poaching communication and community engagement
2. 教育及宣傳工作 Education and Communication
ԃݺਗٙਞ̋٫ʱ̺ྡ 接觸群眾,包括 204,000+ 名公眾人士和
Participant Composition in Education Activities 10,500+ 名教師和學生
218,600+ people reached, including 204,000+ members of
學生/教師 the public and 10,500+ teachers and students
公眾 參與是次檢討的首席研究員表示曾透過不同媒體
當地居民 宣傳研究項目和成果,包括報章雜誌、電台訪問、
Locals 電視播映,以及紀錄片、電子通訊與社交媒體
漁民 逾半 of the PI respondents expressed that they
Fishermen Over half (54%) communicated their project activities and fi ndings
兒童/青少年 via multiple media channels, including newspapers
Children/youths and magazines, radio interviews, TV coverage and
不同群眾 documentaries, newsletters and social media
3. 人才培訓 Capacity Building 4. 保育項目的可持續發展與保育基金的重要角色
個保育項目成功推行,地點包括柬埔寨、中國內地、 Project Sustainability and the Importance
21 印尼、蒙古、尼泊爾及越南 of OPCFHK's Support
conservation projects in Cambodia, Mainland China,
Indonesia, Mongolia, Nepal and Vietnam 首席研究員表示有在相關地區持續推行部
名保育工作人員獲得培訓,包括 108 位年輕科學家 100% of the PI respondents indicated that they
990+ conservation practitioners trained, including 108 had continued some of the conservation
young scientists nurtured activities or started a new project in the area
個駐地培訓項目,遍布孟加拉、柬埔寨、印度、印尼、 位首席研究員認為保育基金的資助對其事業發展
15 馬來西亞及尼泊爾 12 PIs found OPCFHK's funding important for their
local training projects in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India,
Indonesia, Malaysia and Nepal career development
540+ 當地居民獲得培訓 2 位首席研究員先後加入不同世界自然保護聯盟專家
locals trained
PIs became members of their respective IUCN
USD45,000 綠色經濟體系成功建立 Specialist Groups
worth of green economy established
總結建議 Recommendations
Based on these encouraging fi ndings, OPCFHK will seek new ways to improve the allocation of funding and the evaluation of
projects through new initiatives. These will include formulating communication plans, revising the project report submission
format to highlight quantitative achievements, regularly tracking the completed projects for new developments and
investigating the impact of the projects on the career development of the PIs involved. By learning from the past, OPCFHK
can ensure that our conservation funding is used to safeguard biodiversity in ever more effective ways.