Page 16 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 16



         Regional Conservation Efforts: Combating the Illegal Wildlife Trade –
         Golden Coin Turtle and Helmeted Hornbill

         威脅及保育價值                                      Threats and conservation values

         非法買賣令金錢龜和盔犀鳥面臨絕種的步伐急劇                        Illegal wildlife trade is driving the golden coin turtle and helmeted
         加速。                                          hornbill to rapid extinction.
         除了中國內地、越南和老撾,香港是世界上少數仍                       Along with some parts of mainland China, Vietnam and Laos, Hong
         可找到野生金錢龜蹤影的地方,在香港被非法販賣                       Kong is one of the last places in the world where a small wild golden
         的金錢龜,每隻售價高達港幣十萬元。                            coin turtle population can be sighted. However, golden coin turtles are
                                                      found to be illegally bought and sold for up to HK$100,000 in local
         同樣地,人們對盔犀鳥頭骨(俗稱「鶴頂紅」)的                       markets.
         龐大需求,令其黑市價格飆升,加劇偷獵及非法                        Similarly, the helmeted hornbill is highly prized in the illegal wildlife
         販賣問題。                                        trade due to the high demand for the bird’s solid ivory casque, i.e. the
                                                      horny helmet above its beak.
         保育工作與成果 – 金錢龜

                                                       © Nancy Karraker

                                                       Conservation efforts and achievements —
                                                       Golden coin turtle

                                                       Based on an action plan on golden coin turtle conservation developed
                                                       by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD)
                                                       and Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, Lingnan University Hong
                                                       Kong launched a project with funding support from OPCFHK to clarify
                                                       the genetic relationships among golden coin turtle populations across
                                                       Asia, genotyping all individuals of the Hong Kong assurance colony
                                                       and developing a toolkit to identify the geographic origin and source
                                                       of the turtles. By identifying the turtles’ origins, the ultimate aim was to
                                                       facilitate species reintroduction into their natural habitat and contribute
                                                       to the fight against the illegal wildlife trade in the region.
                                                       In addition, the project participates in a number of collaborative
                                                       projects on the golden coin turtle with organisations around the world,
                                                       including the collection of blood samples from Muenster Zoo and
                                                       tissue transfer with The University of Texas.

          Scientific name  Cuora trifasciata
          概要            面臨絕種,金錢龜的數量一直急劇下降,速度令人震驚
          Overview      Facing extinction with the population declining at an alarming rate
          保育狀況          極度瀕危
          IUCN status   Critically Endangered
          估計數量          不確定
          Population    Uncertain
          主要威脅          非法捕獵和走私,尤其是在香港的非法貿易
          Threats       Illegal trapping and smuggling, especially in Hong Kong

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