Page 17 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 17

© Sanjitpaal Singh /

            保育工作與成果 – 盔犀鳥                                  Conservation efforts and achievements —
                                                           Helmeted hornbill
            極度瀕危的盔犀鳥和防止非法買賣。保育基金與                          Same as the golden coin turtle, a forensic toolkit is being developed
            香港大學合作,利用基因組圖比對不同地區盔犀鳥                         to aid conservation of the critically endangered helmeted hornbill and
            樣本的基因,以量化基因差異及分析偷獵對野生                          prevention of illegal trade. Working in conjunction with the University
            犀鳥樣種群的影響。                                      of Hong Kong, the collaborative project uses a genoscape based
                                                           on DNA extracted from geo-referenced samples to quantify genetic
            透過大量的樣本分析,科研團隊已成功研發一種從                         variation. The demographic effects of poaching on in-situ populations
            盔犀鳥頭骨的角蛋白提取基因的技術,以及制定了                         will also be analysed.
            一項程序以確定盔犀鳥個體的性別。                               With  numerous  analytic  samples,  the  team  has  successfully
                                                           developed a protocol for DNA extraction from keratin in the helmeted
                                                           hornbill’s casque. A protocol has also been developed to determine
                                                           the sex of helmeted hornbill individuals.

             © C. Hatten                                                                                © H. Tilley

             Scientific name  Rhinoplax vigil
             概要             印尼的盔犀鳥數量正迅速減少;而馬來西亞、緬甸和泰國的種群數量亦在下降
             Overview       Population is rapidly declining in Indonesia, and decreasing in Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand
             保育狀況           極度瀕危
             IUCN status    Critically Endangered
             估計數量           不確定,但呈下跌趨勢
             Population     Uncertain with a decreasing trend
             主要威脅           伐林和偷獵以獲取其頭骨作為雕刻裝飾商品
             Threats        Deforestation and illegal poaching for the bird's solid ivory casque, which is carved for ornamental purposes and trading

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