Page 58 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
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         Hong Kong Marine Life Stranding and Education Centre Guided Tours
         Understanding More about Local Marine Life Stranding

         香港海洋生物救護及教育中心由「滙豐一百五十周年                       The Hong Kong Marine Life Stranding and Education Centre
         慈善計劃」撥款資助興建,於二零一九年正式開幕,                       (HKMLSEC) was officially opened in 2019. It is the first full-scale
         是亞洲首間兼備傳統與虛擬解剖技術的研究及教育設                       necropsy, virtopsy and education facility in Asia, under the sponsorship
         施。中心自開幕後,保育基金每個月均舉行免費導賞                       of the HSBC 150th Anniversary Charity Programme. Since then,
         團,呼籲公眾關注鯨豚擱淺問題,並為海洋公園遊客                       OPCFHK has hosted free guided tours every month to raise awareness
                                                       about stranding and provide Ocean Park visitors with an opportunity
         提供機會,近距離認識海洋生物保育知識及處理擱淺                       to take a close-up look at marine life conservation and stranding
         個案的行動。在二零二零年,海洋公園「森度遊」活                       response operations. In 2020, Ocean Park's green outing programme
         動亦帶領參加者參觀此中心,了解拯救、研究及解剖                       gave hikers a chance to visit HKMLSEC, learn about the advanced
         海洋哺乳類的先進設備,並理解研究數據的分析結果                       equipment used to rescue, investigate and conduct necropsy of marine
         如何協助制訂未來的監察及保育措施。在二零二零至                       mammals, and understand how data-driven insights will help shape
         二零二一年度,共有超過一千九百名人士參加了香港                       future monitoring and conservation efforts. In 2020/21, more than 1,900
         海洋生物救護及教育中心導賞團。                               participants joined a guided tour or visited HKMLSEC.

            How to Help a Live-stranded Marine Animal
            如你發現有海洋生物擱淺,請即致電 1823 通報個案。收到政府通知後,「海洋生物擱淺
            If you fi nd a live stranding marine animal, please report the case by calling 1823 immediately. After receiving the report
            from the Government, the Marine Life Stranding Response Team will initiate a rescue for the stranded animal. Stranded
            sharks must be returned to the sea as soon as possible, since they cannot live out of water; however, since dolphins
            and whales can survive out of water for longer periods, on-site evaluations of the animal's physical condition and
            medical examinations are paramount to identify the reason behind the stranding. Healthy individuals are returned to the
            sea immediately after the operations. For animals in poor condition, follow-up treatment is required before they can be
            released back to the wild.


         2019 冠狀病毒病疫情令即棄塑膠製品使用量回升

         No Straw Campaign Survey

         COVID-19 Changes Herald an Alarming Surge in Plastic Use

         在二零二一年四月十六日至五月七日,保育基金訪問了                      From 16 April to 7 May 2021, OPCFHK surveyed 1,000 Hong Kong
         一千名年齡為十五歲或以上的香港市民,了解他們使用                      residents aged 15 or above about their plastic use. Worryingly, the
         塑膠製品的情況。結果發現,即棄塑膠飲管使用量自二                      survey found that single-use plastic straw consumption rose for the
         零一七年以來首度錄得升幅,從平均每人每星期四支增                      fi rst time since 2017, from 4 to 4.4 per week, with annual consumption
         至四點四支,年度總使用量達至十一億支。另一方面,                      totalling 1.1 billion straws per year. Moreover, restaurant-related plastic
                                                       waste has risen, which is commensurate with the increased reliance on
         由於 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情令大家更依賴外賣和光顧食                   food delivery and takeaway dining during the COVID-19 pandemic. The
         物外送服務,亦令與餐飲業相關的塑膠垃圾大增,即棄                      total number of single-use plastic cutlery and containers increased from
         塑膠餐具及容器使用量便從平均每星期三點四件升至四                      3.4 to 4 items per week, which includes a rise in the use of plastic cutlery
         件,當中外賣所佔數字便由每星期二點一件大增至二點                      and containers for takeaway from 2.1 to 2.8 items per week. These
         八件。上述結果明確顯示,即使在疫情之下,公眾亦必                      fi ndings indicate that staying vigilant against human-imposed threats to
         須時刻警惕人類對環境構成的威脅。                              the environment is very important even in challenging times.

            目前已有超過 1,800 間餐廳、企業、教育機構及政府部門加入我們的「無飲管運動」。
            More than 1,800 restaurants, corporations, educational institutions and government
            departments have joined our No Straw Campaign. Join us now – take the pledge for a
            plastic-free today and a better tomorrow!                                立即投入     Adopt a No-Plastic
                                                                                   「走塑」生活!     Lifestyle Today!
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