Page 63 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
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科研顧問委員會 Scientific Advisory Committee

            布文傑先生(主席)             Mr. Michael Trevor BOOS (Chair)  Foundation Director, OPCFHK
            ( 於二零一九年一月獲委任 )       (Appointed since January 2019)
            蔣素珊女士(主席)             Ms. Suzanne M. GENDRON (Chair) Foundation Director, OPCFHK
            ( 於二零一九年一月離任 )        (Retired in January 2019)
            魏偉寶先生                 Mr. Grant ABEL             Animal Care Advisor, National Marine Mammal Foundation (NMMF)
            Robert L. BROWNELL Jr. 博士 Dr. Robert L. BROWNELL Jr.  Senior Scientist (International Protected Marine Resources), Southwest
                                                             Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA
            陳堅峰先生                 Mr. Simon CHAN Kin-fung    Assistant Director (Conservation), Agriculture, Fisheries and
                                                             Conservation Department
            張定安博士                 Dr. Lewis CHEUNG Ting-on   Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Education
                                                             University of Hong Kong
            范朋飛教授                 Prof. FAN Pengfei          Professor, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University
            霍年亨博士                 Dr. Lincoln FOK            Assistant Professor, Department of Science and Environmental Studies,
                                                             Education University of Hong Kong
            郭睿女士                  Ms. GUO Rui                Head, Aquatic Wildlife Conservation Department, Ministry of Agriculture,
            侯智恆博士                 Dr. Billy HAU              Principal Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences, The University of
                                                             Hong Kong
            賈力誠博士                 Dr. Leszek KARCZMARSKI     Director, Cetacean Research Institute
            Nancy KARRAKE 博士      Dr. Nancy KARRAKER         Associate Professor, University of Rhode Island
            黎存志先生                 Mr. Patrick LAI Chuen-chi  Assistant Director (Country and Marine Park), Agriculture, Fisheries and
                                                             Conservation Department
            劉惠寧博士                 Dr. Michael LAU Wai-neng   Director of Conservation & Ecology, Environmental Strategy,
                                                             Conservation and Management Co. Ltd.
            馬伯樂獸醫                 Dr. Paulo MARTELLI         Director of Veterinarian Services, Ocean Park Hong Kong
            Meena NARESHWAR 女士    Mrs. Meena NARESHWAR       Senior Programme Coordinator, Centre for Environment Education,
                                                             Ahmedabad, India
            吳祖南博士                 Dr. NG Cho-nam             Associate Professor, Department of Geography, The University of Hong
            Daniel K. ODELL 博士    Dr. Daniel K. ODELL        Consulting Biologist, Mount Manatee
            冉江洪教授                 Prof. RAN Jianghong        Professor, College of Life Science, Sichuan University
            Randall R. REEVES 博士  Dr. Randall R. REEVES      Chairman, IUCN/SSC Cetacean Specialist Group
            冼雍華博士                 Dr. Simon SIN              Assistant Professor, School of Biological Sciences, The University of
                                                             Hong Kong
            Craig STRANG 博士       Dr. Craig STRANG           Associate Director for Learning and Teaching, Lawrence Hall of
                                                             Science, University of California, Berkeley
            William STREET 先生     Mr. William STREET         Senior Vice President for Conservation, Education and Life Sciences,
                                                             Indianapolis Zoo, U.S.A.
            宋亦希博士                 Dr. SUNG Yik-hei           Research Assistant Professor, School of Biological Sciences, The
                                                             University of Hong Kong
            王福義博士                 Dr. WONG Fook-yee          Adjunct Professor, Geography Resource Management, The Chinese
                                                             University of Hong Kong
            張和民教授                 Prof. ZHANG Hemin          Director, China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda
            賈建生司長                 Mr. JIA Jiansheng          Director, Wildlife Conservation and Nature Reserve Management
                                                             Division, State Forestry Administration
            嚴佳代教授                 Dr. YEN Chia-dai           Assistant Professor, National Taiwan Ocean University
            張澤鈞教授                 Prof. ZHANG Zejun          Professor, College of Life Science, China West Normal University

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