Page 62 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 62



         保育基金於過往一年承蒙籌款委員會、提名委員會、                       We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our Fundraising
         科研委員會及科研顧問委員會的支持,特此致謝。於                       Committee, Nomination Committee, Scientifi c Committee and Scientifi c
         二零二零至二零二一年度,委員會成員,包括業界的                       Advisory Committee. In 2020/21, the members of the Committees,
         專業人士和獨立權威的科學家,為我們的籌款活動及                       including the professionals from various industries and the independent
         研究申請書提供其專業知識和寶貴意見,為我們作出                       and respected scientists, contributed their expertise and knowledge in
                                                       fundraising and evaluating our conservation funding proposals. Their
                                                       insightful advice throughout the year has been invaluable.

         籌款委員會 Fundraising Committee

         曾立基先生(主席)             Mr. Richard TSANG (Chair)  Chairman, Strategic Public Relations Group
         陳晴女士 , JP             Ms. Judy CHEN, JP          Foundation Chair, OPCFHK
         布文傑先生                 Mr. Michael BOOS           Foundation Director, OPCFHK
         陳善瑜女士                 Ms. Ysanne CHAN            Chief Executive, Ocean Park Hong Kong
                                                          (retired in May 2021)
         黃智祖先生                 Mr. Joe WONG Chi-cho, JP   Chief Executive, Ocean Park Hong Kong
                                                          (since May 2021)
         黃德源先生                 Mr. Peter WONG             Managing Director, Integrated Publicity Services
         鄔翁嘉穗女士                Mrs. Virginia WU           Director, Seven Sea Latex & Chemical Corp. Limited
         司徒廣釗先生                Mr. Ralph SZETO            Co-Founder, CMRS Group
         鄭紹康先生                 Mr. Francis CHENG          Founder & CEO, Number One PR Communication Limited

         提名委員會 Nomination Committee

         曾立基先生(主席)             Mr. Richard TSANG (Chair)  Chairman, Strategic Public Relations Group
         陳晴女士 , JP             Ms. Judy CHEN, JP          Foundation Chair, OPCFHK
         布文傑先生                 Mr. Michael BOOS           Foundation Director, OPCFHK
         陳善瑜女士                 Ms. Ysanne CHAN            Chief Executive, Ocean Park Hong Kong
         ( 於二零二一年五月離任 )        (Retired in May 2021)
         盧佩瑩教授                 Prof. Becky LOO Pui-ying   Professor, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong

         科研委員會 Scientific Committee

         盧佩瑩教授(主席)             Prof. Becky LOO Pui-ying (Chair)  Professor, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong
         布文傑先生                 Mr. Michael BOOS           Foundation Director, OPCFHK
         張肇堅博士 *               Dr. CHEUNG Siu-gin         Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry,
                                                          City University of Hong Kong
         朱利民教授 *               Prof. CHU Lee-man          Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences,
         ( 於二零二一年四月離任 )        (Retired in April 2021)    The Chinese University of Hong Kong
         方家熙博士 *               Dr. James FANG Kar-hei     Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Biology and
                                                          Chemical Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
         李成業教授 *               Prof. Joe LEE Shing Yip    Professor, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
         ( 於二零二一年四月獲委任 )       (Appointed since April 2021)
         梁美儀教授                 Prof. Kenneth LEUNG Mei-yee  Chair Professor, Department of Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong
         ( 於二零二一年一月離任 )        (Retired in January 2021)
         歐文彬教授 *               Prof. Richard Bernhart OWEN  Professor, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University
         ( 於二零二一年四月離任 )        (Retired in April 2021)
         邱建文教授 *               Prof. QIU Jianwen          Professor, Department of Biology, Hong Kong Baptist University
         ( 於二零二一年四月獲委任 )       (Appointed since April 2021)
         蘇詠梅教授 *               Prof. Winnie SO Wing-mui   Professor, Department of Science and Environmental Studies,
                                                          The Education University of Hong Kong
         談儉邦博士 *               Dr. Kevin TAM Kim-Pong     Associate Professor, Division of Social Science,
         ( 於二零二一年四月獲委任 )       (Appointed since April 2021)  Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

         * 增選成員 Co-opt members

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