Page 65 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 65

兩棲類及爬行類 Amphibians and Reptiles

            首席研究員            所屬機構                  研究物種                  研究工作
            Principal Investigator Institute/ Organisation  Supported Species  Conservation Project
            胡軍華 研究員          中國科學院成都生物研究所          棘腹蛙                   氣候變化對棘腹蛙棲息地連通性與形態性狀的影響
            Prof. HU Junhua  Chengdu Institute of Biology,  Boulenger's spiny frog  Impact of climate change on the habitat connectivity
                             Chinese Academy of                          and morphological traits of Rana boulengeri
            Mr. Timothy      Asia Turtle Program of Indo-  斑鱉            越南野生斑鱉新個體確認和性別鑑定
            McCORMACK        Myanmar Conservation  Yangtze giant softshell turtle  Confirmation of additional individuals of Rafetus
                                                                         swinhoei in the wild and sexing the Dong Mo Turtle in
            方健恩博士            嶺南大學                  金錢龜                   金錢龜保育基因組學及其應用於人工繁殖和野生動植
            Prof. Jonathan FONG Lingnan University  Golden coin turtle   物 DNA 法醫學
                                                                         Conservation genomics of the critically endangered
                                                                         golden coin turtle (Cuora trifasciata) and application
                                                                         to ex-situ breeding and wildlife DNA forensics
            Dr. Nicolas PILCHER Marine Research Foundation 綠海龜           了解氣候變化對馬來西亞和菲律賓綠海龜(海中族群)
                                                   Green turtle          的影響
                                                                         Understanding the impacts of climate change on
                                                                         at-sea populations of green sea turtles (Chelonia
                                                                         mydas) in Malaysia and the Philippines

            魚類、鳥類及其他 Fishes, Birds & Others

            首席研究員            所屬機構                  研究物種            研究工作
            Principal Investigator Institute/ Organisation  Supported Species  Conservation Project
            Ms. Carolyn      Begawan Foundation    長冠八哥            社區合作保育長冠八哥
            KENWRICK                               Bali starling   Local community collaboration for the successful
                                                                   conservation of the Bali starling
            Dr. Caroline DINGLE 香港大學               盔犀鳥             建立一個協助保育和預防極危盔犀鳥非法貿易的鑑證工具包
                             The University of Hong Kong Helmeted hornbill  Development of a forensic toolkit to aid the conservation
                                                                   and prevention of illegal trade of the critically endangered
                                                                   helmeted hornbill
            趙亞輝副研究員          中國科學院動物研究所            小眼金線䰾           再次評估中國特有的珍稀洞穴魚類——小眼金線䰾的分布與瀕
            Prof. ZHAO Yahui  Institute of Zoology, Chinese  Small eye golden-line  危狀況
                             Academy of Sciences   fish            Distribution and threatened status re-evaluation of
                                                                   Sinocyclocheilus microphthalmus, a cavefish endangered
                                                                   and endemic to China
            Dr. Benjamin     National University of   珊瑚           在東南亞和珊瑚三角區域內的珊瑚基因流動、遺傳連繫性和進
            WAINWRIGHT       Singapore             Multiple species of   化狀況評估,以促進海洋保育的規劃和管理
                                                   corals          An assessment of gene flow, genetic connectivity and
                                                                   evolution throughout Southeast Asia and the Coral Triangle
                                                                   to promote informed marine conservation planning and
            Prof. Duc Huy    University of Science,   越南大蝸牛        極危越南大蝸牛的種群、棲息地與保育:研究和當地才能建設
            HOANG            Vietname National University  Vietnamese giant   Population, habitats and conservation of the critical
                             Ho Chi Minh City      land snail      endangered Vietnamese giant land snail (Bertia
                                                                   cambojiensis): Research and local capacity building

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