Page 68 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 68

雀鳥級捐款者 Bird Level ($1,000 - $4,999)

         AIA Group                           HO Min-yee Brian                 NG Yin-chun Conroy
         Michael BOOS                        HUANG Koon-lam                   OH360 Company Limited
         Caritas Jockey Club Integrated Service for    Walter KERR            PANG Wing-yee Ada
         Young People - Stanley
         CHAN Kin-man Jason                  KING Mei-may                     SHUM Ho-cheung

         CHAN Lok-kin                        LAW Mew-lun                      SHUM Hok-sze
         CHAN Sein-Yu Ysanne                 LAW Sui-wai                      SO Yuk-tung
         CHAN Wan-yin                        LEE Kin-tung Janet               SUN Xiaoyan

         Charitable Choice  Limited          LEE Ling-fung Vivian             TANG Hoi-Yin
         CHEUNG Him-wing Shirley             Dorothy LEUNG                    TANG Yuen-fong
         CHEUNG Wing-yee Celine              LEUNG Oi-sie Elsie               Topmast Development International Co Ltd
         Anne CHING                          LEUNG Ting-fung                  TSE Hui-ying Victina

         Chung Shing Taxi Limited            LO Chung-man                     WONG Ho-lam
         East Pacific (Holdings) Limited     MOK Yuk-yin                      WONG Wing-dip Carol

         Ernest & Young                      Modern Terminals Limited         WOO Mei-oi Chingmy
         FUNG Wai-cheung Donald              Donald MORRIS                    YAU Hong-mei
         FUNG Wai-chung Jacqueline           NG Kit-ying                      ZHAO Hebing
         GAO Tian-yu Teddy                   NG Sau-kin Timothy

         Great Eagle Holdings Limited        NG Wai-wang

         蝴蝶級捐款者 Butterfly Level ($500 - $999)

         BOOK Yan Qi Caroline                Eastern Sea Construction HK Ltd   Michael LONG
         CHAN Cheuk-hang Agnes               FUNG Man-yan                     MAIO Yin-han Joanna
         CHAN Hei                            Hip Sing Hong (Holdings) Company Ltd  NG Sau-man Rosa
         CHAN Ka-wai                         KWAN Hei-po Haley                NG Tsz-yan Leona
         CHAN Khe-hing Henry                 KWOK Pui-yan                     SIU Kay-wa
         CHAN Wing-Yee                       LAI Wei-hei                      SO Wang-hei
         Zoe CHENG                           LAM Ho-jim                       WONG Ching-tze
         CHIE Ikoma                          LAU Tsz-chun                     WONG Tung-ching
         CHOI Wai-nga Ria                    LAU Yin-kun Anthony              WONG Wai-ho
         CHOW Mei-yi                         LEONG Hoi-yan                    WOO Sau-yin Josephine
         CHU Hoi-yun                         LEUNG Ka-hei                     YEUNG Kwong-shiu
         CHUN Pik-man                        LI Sing-chung Matthias           YU Sulan
         CHUNG Kit-man                       LO Nga-chung                     Zen-Noh International HK Ltd
         Dana HUI                            LO Wing-see

         保育基金謹此感謝香港海洋公園管理層團隊捐出                   We extend our gratitude to the management team of Ocean Park Hong
         他們在不同場合演講所得的相關收入,包括商業                   Kong for donating their speaking fees from various speaking engagements
         營運執行總監鍾志超先生、公園管理及演藝節                    to  OPCFHK.  These  include  Mr.  Perry  CHUNG,  Executive  Director,
         目執行總監吳守堅先生、時任營業、市務及                     Commercial Operations; Mr. Timothy NG, Executive Director, Operations and
         公共事務執行總監李玲鳳女士。此外,保育基金                   Entertainment; Ms. Vivian LEE, the then Executive Director, Sales, Marketing
                                                 and Public Affairs. Special thanks are also given to AEON Stores (Hong Kong)
         亦藉此鳴謝永旺(香港)百貨有限公司、擇善坊                   Company Limited, Charitable Choice Limited and Cordis Hotel Hong Kong for
         及香港康得思酒店,協助舉行籌款活動。                      assisting us to conduct our fundraising activities.

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