Page 64 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 64


         Principal Investigators

         水生哺乳類 Aquatic Mammals

         首席研究員           所屬機構                  研究物種                   研究工作
         Principal Investigator Institute/ Organisation  Supported Species  Conservation Project
         郝玉江副研究員         中國科學院水生生物研究所          長江江豚                   豢養長江江豚妊娠期及產後護理監測和福利評估
         Dr. HAO Yujiang  Institute of Hydrobiology,   Yangtze finless porpoise  Monitoring and welfare assessment of captive
                         Chinese Academy of                           Yangtze finless porpoise pregnancy and postnatal
                         Sciences                                     care
         韓緯博士            中國科學院水生生物研究所          長江江豚                   洞庭湖長江江豚自然種群恢復的經驗總結和推廣
         Dr. HAN Yi      Institute of Hydrobiology,   Yangtze finless porpoise  Summarising experience and promotion of Yangtze
                         Chinese Academy of                           finless porpoise wild population recovery in Dongting
                         Sciences                                     Lake
         袁軍法博士           華中農業大學                長江江豚                   天鵝洲豚類保護區長江江豚餌料魚疫病風險評估及對
         Dr. YUAN Junfa  Huazhong Argricultural   Yangtze finless porpoise  策研究
                         University                                   Risk assessment and countermeasures on fish bait
                                                                      disease of Yangtze finless porpoise in Tian-e-zhou
                                                                      National Nature Reserve, Hubei
         陳炳耀副教授          南京師範大學                長江江豚                   南京長江江豚種群密度、時空分布及最適棲息地預測
         Dr. CHEN Bingyao  Nanjing Normal University  Yangtze finless porpoise  Prediction on population abundance, spatio-temporal
                                                                      distribution, and optimal habitat of Yangtze finless
                                                                      porpoise in Nanjing
         Dr. Leela RAJAMANI Universiti Sains Malaysia  伊河豚、印度太平洋駝背豚、 檳城島海域的伊河海豚及鯨豚類生態研究
                                               印度太平洋江豚、印度太平洋 Ecological studies on cetaceans with a focus on
                                               瓶鼻海豚                   the Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) around
                                               Irrawaddy dolphin, Chinese   Penang island
                                               white dolphin, Indo-Pacific
                                               finless porpoise, Indo-Pacific
                                               bottlenose dolphin
         Dr. Marie OBUSAN  Natural Sciences Research   鯨豚類            菲律賓鯨豚類健康與擱淺應變計劃 : 健康一體倡議
                         Institute             Multiple species of    Cetacean Health and Stranding Response Program:
                                               cetaceans              a One Health Initiative in the Philippines

         陸生哺乳類 Terrestrial Mammals

         首席研究員           所屬機構                  研究物種                   研究工作
         Principal Investigator Institute/ Organisation  Supported Species  Conservation Project
         程琛博士            北京大學自然保護與社會發展 雪豹                             氣候變化下三江源雪豹的保護關鍵區識別
         Dr. CHENG Chen  研究中心                  Snow leopard           Identification of key protection area for snow
                         Peking University Centre for                 leopards in Sanjiangyuan under climate change
                         Nature and Society
         李彬彬博士           昆山杜克大學                大熊貓                    大熊貓棲息地可持續放牧及管理措施研究
         Dr. LI Binbin   Duke Kunshan University  Giant panda         Study on sustainable grazing and management
                                                                      policy of giant panda's habitat

         * 增選成員 Co-opt members

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